Chapter 7

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Im gonna keep it.

I decided to keep the baby because i know that we can handle it. I have all my friends by my side and i know that me and dani can do it together.

Alright the Doctor says. You are good to go home.

Alyssa drives home and me and Daniel drove home together.
D: i can't believe this. It's crazy. Im a dad.
K: i know baby.
D: bit this means we can't fuck for 9 months.
K: hey but then when that's over, we can do it again
D: yea i guess but im gonna miss it
K: it's okay babe
D: so does this mean that we won't ever be dirty again?
K: NOOOOOO oml we are still gonna be dirty.
D: okay good ;)
K: haha i love you
D: I️ love you too❤️❤️❤️❤️
Daniel carry's you in bridal style and you think it's adorable. He gives you a kiss on the cheek and you start to cry.
nothing , i am just so lucky to have you in my life.
Aw Kristina I️ love you so much it not even bearable anymore. I don't deserve to have such a amazing person in my life like you.
Awwwwww baby I️ love you.
I love you moreeeeee
You were cuddling Daniel just as you felt sick to your stomach.
You ran to the bathroom and started to throw up. Daniel runs in the bathroom to make sure that you are okay.
You say that you are fine and you clean yourself up.
How about i take you out to dinner? Daniel says.
Yea that sounds great!! I'm really hungry right now.
Where do you want to go Kristina?
let's go to Olive Garden!
Okay babe get ready and wear something comfy because you are sick.
i think that this is going to be really hard for me to get used to but i have keep my promise that i will not leave my baby. When i saw her throwing up i got nervous cause i didn't know what to do in the situation. But i do nkw and she should be good for the rest of the 9 months.
the waiter takes our seats
i order like a fucking slob.
i get chicken soup with breadsticks and then i get lasagna with fried calamari and it's literally all for me. I think it might be my cravings but i look like a fatass. And i can eat like this now before it gets to late in. Daniel order soup and chicken parmigiana. We talk about the baby and what we should do for it.
The only people that know are alyssa and Daniel. I think to myself. Am i gonna tell my parents? I think to myself. Are all the boys gonna be mad? I hope the fuck not you know ?
The waiter comes out with the food and looks at me strangely. I ignore it and start eating. I wear so fast and i eat everything. the waitor comes back and asks of everything was good and then took away our plates. As he was taking away mine he looked at me dirtily. I was not gonna have that so i got out of my chair and asked him what the fucking problem was. He said "that's disgusting. How could. Girl eat that much?"
Now i was mad.
Daniel got up and told him go back off
I stood right back up and punched right in the jaw. He then hit me with a spoon and Daniel got in and tackled him to the ground. We got kicked out of the restaurant and we just drove home in silence


What the actual fuck is Kristina doing. Like honestly, she just got us kicked out. Im kinda pissed but i guess she's cranky so I'll let it go.
I felt bad for getting us kicked out of the restaurant but whatever. I had to get in the shower so i did. As i was reaching over i felt Daniels hand on my back. I asked him what he was doing in here and he said he wanted to help me. He reached over for the shampoo and put some on his palm and then started massaging it into my scalp. Damn. He is so good at this. He rimsss it out for me and then puts in my conditioner. After that he puts on my body wash when her gets to my stomach he makes sore to be extra gingerly( cautious) because he does not want to hurt it.
Then he asked that off and turns off the water, but stayed in the shower, and grabs the lotion. He puts some on his hands and rubs it on my stomach. It does hurt a little but i do not say anything. After a little "massage" we get out of the shower, and he picks out a comfy outfit for me. He gets grey sweats and a white crop top. And i manage to get some fuzzy socks on.
He puts grey sweats on also and no shirt on. Damn i think to my self. Why do i have to be pregnant. I just want him inside of me. Ughhhh. He asks me what movie i want to watch.
I said fifty shades of grey.
He giggled and said, "are you sure?"
Oh my. Why?
Because it's my favorite movie
Oh god. Okay
The movie starts and not even half way through they are fucking.
D: that should be us right now.
K: if only
D: maybe let's try it
K: we can't babe
D: ughhhhhhh
as we are watching the movie, i think about how much i want to fuck her right now. I ask but she says she can't. 🙄😩
Ugh I'm getting tired of this already. I just wanna fuck her all the time, and now i can't for 9 months.
I've been having this idea since i was 17. We are now both 19. I'm thinking of taking a big step. Something to make her true ly happy, but i need to make it quick before we get to late into the pregnancy. I am going to ...

Im so sorry. I'm leaving you guys on another cliff hanger:((( updating later though. Keep your eyes out !!! ❤️ share this story with your friend s and tell them to read it!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2017 ⏰

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