Chapter 9

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I wake up to 3 men standing around my bed, I can't tell who they are but they are all dressed in black.whats going on?
Then a women walks in with her hair sticking out of the black beanie. unlike the others her face isn't covered Hannah.
I realize I'm in trouble.
I just place my head between my legs and start crying. when I look up I see Connor Ricky and Kian all standing there with guns dressed in black. they are the guys then I see them all at once pull the trigger.

I shoot straight up in my bed crying.
"It was a dream, It was a dream"
I repeat multiple times
Connor comes running through the door he comes over to hug me
"No, get away, get away!"
I scream at him still in shock from my dream
He continues to try and hug me to calm me down which makes me cry harder.
Harder, Hannah's gonna here about this and she's going to hurt me even worse than last time.
"Da...Connor go away!"
Right then Jc and Ricky came in
I got out of Connors grasp and ran to JC hugging the life out of him crying.
Connor left the room in a hurry, I hurt his feelings. I feel bad for that but hopefully he gets over it. Ricky tries to talk to me but I ignore him.
Ricky walks out I sit down on the bed next to JC
"Hey Ari, wanna tell me what's wrong?"
I nod my head
"Okay then I'll wait till your ready
I stay silent for 5 minutes trying to figure out my dream
"Okay,it started with....."

After he heard the story about why I was freaking out he just hugged me he said
"Now, that was just your imagination, Kian would never hurt you he's too gentle and loves you, Ricky talks about you all the time he acts like your his little sister I mean your just like him too he's always here for you and could never hurt you and If he ever did I know he couldn't forgive himself, then Connor he loves you the most out of all of us he's your dad, he talks about how he can't wait for you to grow up and get your first boyfriend so he has and excuse to buy a BB gun,and Connor also talks about simple things like how he's happy to have you he never shuts up, then Hannah sees you as a daughter she doesn't talk about you I can just see it"
I frown at the mention if Hannah aka she devil jc noticed
"I just gave you a speech on how you are loved by everybody and your frowning"
"It's just that, not everybody likes me"
"Of course they do"
"If you say"ll know later"
JC gives me a confused face then hugs me
"Just know we love you"
"Okay..i know"
JC stands up and walks to the door
"And Ari"
"Go to bed"
He walks out of the room and I look at my window it's still night

Vote for a new chapter and I try to make them longer it's a lot to do on my phone though.

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