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The man lay there on his deathbed, wondering if he would be able to go to heaven.

He had so many regrets.

He had so many chances to do so many things. Why didn't he?

As he closed his eyes, he felt the life seep out of him.

Half of him still thought of his regrets. The other half only felt a strange kind of restlessness for someone who was dieing.

Why couldn't I find someone as perfect as me? Or more perfect, if that's possible.

He thought sluggishly.

I'm alone... why isn't anyone here to comfort me during my dieing moments?

He gasped for breath and gripped his bed sheet.

Would anyone be like me once I go to the after life?

He relaxed at the thought and breathed his last.

He opened his eyes.

Why am I still alive? I died. I felt I died.

He glanced down. He was standing. In front of him was a.... bed? With a body on it. A old, wrinkled body of a man with faded brown hair and pale pink lips.

A body.

His body.

"Oh my good lord." He breathed. His voice sounded clear. Panicked, he ran to a mirror next to the bed.

He was young again. He had the same brownish  hair, but less washed out as when he died. His ocean blue eyes were the same , but he no longer had wrinkles. He had the same small mole next to his right eye as well. But most importantly, he was translucent.

"I'm a ghost." He realized. "But I'm young, maybe 18?" He wondered.

He remembered reading somewhere "Ghost stay in our world when they have regrets." What was his regret?

I wanted to find someone as perfect as me.

He walked through the wall to the next room. He wanted to go down. He touched the ground and tumbled to the next level.

A.... nursery?

A young couple carried a small child in their arms. She was so perfect. Little ruby lips opened and closed as she slept.

Something drew him here.

She drew me here.

He had found his love.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2018 ⏰

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