Chapter 1: New Beginnings

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My alarm clock blared like a siren, trying to wake me up. I didn't want to though, so I hit snooze and wrapped myself in my sheets. Right as I was falling back asleep my mom came in.

"Hiro it's time to wake up!"

"Just five more minutes." I mumble from under the sheets.

"Hiro Akio get out of that bed or I will make you." I turn over in my sheets ignoring my nagging mother. The next thing I knew my sheets were yanked off of me. Sighing I reluctantly sat up yawning. Standing up and stretching my mom smiles at me.

"See that wasn't so hard, now was it? When you're done come downstairs for breakfast." Mom walks downstairs and I hear the floorboards creak underneath her feet. I walk to the bathroom and shower. Walking back to my room I change into my school uniform. It was a pair of black jeans, a white shirt, and a dark blue overcoat with a small gold button on it. It had two black letters that had S.A. It was the initials to my new school. Supernatural Academy. Quickly throwing on a pair of blue Converse shoes and picking up my bag I run down the steps.

"There he is. I was afraid you were going to miss the first day of your new school." Mom says giving me a plate. It had bacon, a pancake, and scrambled eggs. Starting to eat my breakfast I respond with,

"Well I am not exactly thrilled to go to school. Especially considering what happened at my old school."

"Well lucky you," mom says smiling brightly.

"No one knows you here, so as long as you make a good first impression you should be fine."

"I guess you're right mom," I say finishing my breakfast.

"I know I am," mom says tauntingly.

"Have a good first day honey! Remember that you're my hero no matter what!"

"Okay mom!" I yell back to her dashing out of the house. I didn't have a need to run, it was just something that helped clear my head for at least a little bit. I suppose I should properly introduce myself. I am Hiro Akio. I am 16 years old and I am going to my first day at my new high school; oh, yeah I'm also a demon. Yeah yeah I know. Demons are typically associated with bad things. Not all demons are bad actually. It's just when we get pissed off we get the most dangerous.

I eventually arrive at school out of breath. I walk in to multiple voices having different conversations. Me, being the new kid, walked to my locker alone, then to my classroom.

"Crap," I whisper to myself. "What am I supposed to do for ten minutes?"

"You new here?" A voice says behind me. I quickly turned around to see a girl with milk chocolate skin and long black hair.  She had on the school uniform. For the girls it was a black skirt, a white buttoned shirt, and a blue sweater with the little gold pin on it. She looked nice, but I felt like there was something weird about her.

"Yeah I'm new. Is it that obvious?" I ask the girl feeling a bit awkward.

"Yeah for one you came in alone, two you haven't talked to anyone, three you're looking at the clock like your life depends on it."

"So much for trying to blend in." I joke smiling and rubbing the back of my neck.

"Well let me try to help with that, my name is Akira Hideko." She holds out her hand for a shake.

"Hiro Akio," I respond grabbing her hand and shaking it. Releasing my hand from the shake Akira asks the question I didn't want to hear.

"So what are you? I'm a beginner level witch." She says with a smile. I quit try to think of someway to avoid the question. Not coming up with anything I spill.

"I'm a half demon, Rank A, dragon type." I say not sure how Akira would react. Most people would ask to battle me to see if my high rank is the real deal, then they harass me to show them my wings. After all they look a lot like dragon wings from the old books.

"Awesome! You're the first demon I've met before!" Akira says excitedly I kind of just stand there awkwardly not sure how to react. Suddenly a long high pitched bring echoes throughout the school.

"Come on, we can sit together," Akira says grabbing my arm and walking to a pair of seats in the middle of the class. Sitting down the teacher begins to teach. This is it my first day at a school where no one knows me. What could go wrong?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2017 ⏰

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