Chapter 1- The Beginning

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"Aleana! It's almost eight get up your gonna be late for school."

"Mom five more minutes!"

I'm lying on the bed with my head over the edge feeling the blood rush to my brain and enjoying the dizziness that comes with it.

The beginning. How did it start? I guess I was normal once a long time ago. You see my dad's the second richest man alive, why? Because my dad created the "Scynthe", a worm like device about two inches long and transparent. It works as some kind of injury sucker,eats it up.

I know your 'what my dad's financial status have anything to do with my serial killer status' , but when your dad's got a whole lot of money well a lot of people will come after his only daughter.

"Aleana!" I was kidnapped at the ice cream shop opposite my mom's hair salon, probably shouldn't have snuck out to get that choco-mint ice cream.

"I'm coming mum!"
You see they weren't going to hurt me till my dad refused to cough up the cash, I still wonder how parting with ten million dollars  would affect the second richest man alive... Oh well.

"Mum are the pancakes ready?" I yelled from my room. Today's pancake Monday.

"Yes Cherry since an hour ago!" My mum has a thing for cherries.

Where was I? Oh yes! Well daddy dearest didn't pay up, kidnappers started shaving off hair, cutting flesh and beating up a six year old all recorded of course, mum still has nightmares and comes to check on me by the hour every night, she doesn't get enough sleep. The result of all that - a mentally damaged six year old.

By the time I was recovered I looked like a soldier from WWII, cuts all over one broken nose six broken ribs and a nine inch cut that goes across my back in a straight line from left to right. I was messed up needing a lot of blood which dad couldn't give because we weren't the same blood type and mum couldn't cause she wasn't really my mum, not biologically anyway.

"Morning mum."

I came down the stairs dressed in black ballerina flats a mini jean skirt and a red shirt that said " I'm Unique but I'm not a Unicorn."

I didn't have to worry about fixing my hair cause I didn't have any, after the 'incident' I cut my hair really low not skin but low. I wore a silver necklace with an oval shaped ruby stone, engraved on it was "Cherry", mum got it when I was a baby never took it off.

"Morning sweety I've been waiting for you to come down so I could give you a hug and be on my way."

Mum never leaves without hugging me in the morning another tradition she started when I was recovered. I hugged her tight rubbing her back soothing her cause I know she relives the whole thing everyday.

"Okay Cherry see you later be careful."
I watch as she heads out the door and I think about how I never did tell her I know we're not related and I know cause she and dad had a fight in my hospital room about how she was careless cause I wasn't "hers" when they thought I was unconscious.

Neither did I tell her that I know I'm the biological daughter of Rosaline Ginny Turnbolt, my dad's former personal assistant.

I know your probably wondering why I didn't tell her but... Why tell her? To me she's my mum. Alexis Chloe Hannon, wife to Philip Adam Hannon is my mother.

Finishing up my pancakes I pick up my green Keon designer backpack that dad got for me to pretend he didn't forget and had one of his assistants put me on the calendar so she can pick up something nice.
I like the bag though.
Very chic.
That's how I started doing what I do. I kill people. Started when I was 10, and no I didn't kill a pet or anything like that! Stereotypical bastards you are for thinking that. Wink!

I killed my best friend's dad. And she saw me do it, see when I and Giselle say if one of us brought a dead body home the other would clean up the mess be sure to know we mean it.

Her dad was a high class pedophile, and not just to other little girls which is bad enough but to Giselle too. I was pretty smart for a ten year old so when he told me to sit on his lap and call him 'daddy' I knew something was not right.

Long story short I slit his throat when he creeped  into Giselle's room on a sleepover night. With a billionaire dad the headlines read

'Forty five year old father slits own throat in front of ten year old daughter and friend.' 

When it should have read

'Ten year old slits best friend's father's throat on a sleepover night."

Oh well. That was my first kill, and obviously if my dad had to cover it up he knows about my urge to snuff the life out of people. What followed were a couple therapists psyche check ups and the rest. Basically if you say the right words at the right times the right way you get out of it quickly.

After that incident I had to be cleaning up my own mess, don't want the additional baggage that comes with dad's help.

That must be Giselle. I broke into a grin bouncing to the door knowing it was her at the other side. "Madam Giselle", I said it in a French accent cause she loved it when I did that.

"Duchess Aleana how fair thou." I burst out laughing. Giselle is a melanasian she has lovely dark skin  and natural coily blonde hair. She's wearing an orange strappy sundress that stops above her knees with black Yoke sneakers I got for her last year.

Yoke is her favourite designer and so happened to be making a dress for mum so you know called a favour.

"Are you done leering at me? Cause I wanna come in.?" She smiles.

"Brat! Alright come in."  I move to the side making way for her to come in she grabs me and gives me a death inducing hug.

"Aleana are you going to wear a bra with that shirt?"

I look down at my shirt and see my nipples poking due to no bra.

"Why do I have to wear a bra? Guys don't wear bras and they have nipples too!" Giselle just shrugs we have this argument all the time seems she's getting tired of it.

"Fine go grab your keys I'm not taking you to school today, your grip on my waist is way too tight by the way." We both have obsessions for cars so mum usually got us cars for birthdays. I currently have a Bugatti Veyron which I named Bumblebee cause it's black and yellow and a Lamborghini Veneno I named her Tek.

And for Giselle's eighteenth birthday I got some money and got her an 8.1961 Ferrari 250 GT SWB California Spider for a small price of $15.2m. It's red in colour and  has just two brown seats for I and Giselle and also for the fact that Giselle doesn't really like other people. Which is a small price for the love of my life. Besides the point though.

The drive to Blakefoor Highschool was about twenty minutes from my house which made it that I and Giselle never really got to school late, we either went on time or we didn't go at all.
My dad donated a lot of money to the school's funding program so we had two spaces reserved for my family right in the middle of the parking lot, also the security guy had a crush on Giselle so you know.

"Does today not just feel energetic to you?" She'd walked pretty quick to my door.

"Energetic how?" I raised a brow up at her from my carseat.

"Like the universe is hugging us tight." I didn't say anything for a while.

"Last time you said that three people disappeared. What's wrong? "
Her face fell.

"It's not like that."
I gave her a look that said 'you sure? '

"It's not like that!" She banged my car door and stormed off... Something is definitely wrong. Sighing I opened the car door gently since my finger got stuck inside and examined my now broken in half finger.

"That girl is gonna be the death of me one day." Reaching into my back pack I pulled out a scynthe and placed it on my arm healing the broken finger making it look brand new though I still had blood on my finger, the Scynthe fell off dead.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2019 ⏰

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