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It was 7am and I had been awake since 3. My head was spinning and I had smoked a pack of cigarettes already. I ran down the stairs and was hit by the smell of bacon, I sighed and grabbed a piece from the plate beside my dad. I pulled on my shoes and grabbed my keys. I grabbed my bag and ran over to my dad.

"I'll see you after school. Love you." I said kissing him on the cheek and leaving before he could say anything. That's usually how it works in the morning. I eat a piece of bacon, say goodbye and leave. That's the way it's been since my mom left. I started my car and pulled out onto the room, putting my food on the gas, speeding to the school. I was tired, I hadn't slept in a few nights. I keep getting the re-occurring dream that my mom wanted me to come home. She would reach out for me back bur I kept backing away from her. It was strange. I sighed as I pulled up to the school. I climbed out of my car, spotting Steve from the other side of the car park. He gave me a quick wave and I nodded and slung my bag over my shoulder and popped a cigarette between my lips, I lit it and made my way towards Steve.

"Hey Edwards." He said slinging his bag over his shoulder.

"Harrington." I said with a nod and he smiled.

"I hear you were with a certain someone this weekend." He said nodding towards Justin Lee. I looked over to him and he was staring at me. I looked back at Steve and laughed.

"It was a one time thing." I said and he smiled.

"I don't think he knows that." He said walking off in the other direction while giving me a wink. I looked to my side to see Justin, he placed his arm around my shoulders and pulled me into a hug.

"I really enjoyed our night together. Maybe we could do it again someday." Justin whispered into my ear and I shuddered. Just on time the bell rang.

"Yeah sure, just call me. I'll see you later!" I said rushing to physics. Once I got into class I took my seat and sighed. 2 seconds later somebody kicked the back of my seat.

"Steve. Stop kicking my seat or I'll kick you're head in." I said not even looking at him. He let out a laugh and I sighed. Mr Wells started class and my trail of thought shut down. Until the door was thrown open. A guy stood, he had denim jeans on, a white shirt whic was buttoned to like the sixth one then opened, a denim jacket over it. He had a mullet and the most beautifully blue piercing eyes I had ever seen. He scanned the class, his eyes landing on me. I looked down at my book till I felt his gaze shift.

"You must be Billy." Mr Wells said and the class was silent.

"Yup." He said bluntly and I cringed.

"Well Mr Hargrove please take the seat next to Ms Edwards over there." He said pointing to the empty seat beside me. I mentally groaned and sat up straight. Steve moved behind me and Billy sat beside me. When he sat I caught a whiff of his scent. Aftershave and smoke. He was a dick, I could tell from a mile away. The girls were whispering in the class and I groaned. Mr Wells started class again and I could feel this Billy's guys gaze on me. Steve must have too. Cause he kept kicking my seat which distracted Hargrove. Once the bell rang I gathered my stuff, popped a few painkillers and walked to my next class. While I walked I felt someone following me. I stopped in my place and the person bumped into me.

"Hey!" They yelled a bit louder than I enjoyed. I spun around to see Billy.

"What class do you have?" I asked and he unclenched his first and coughed. Acting all cool again. I rolled my eyes.

"Math." He said slickly.

"With Mr Leonard?" I asked and he nodded.

"Come on then. We'll be late." I said. He was cocky and annoying already. But there was something about them blue eyes that were sucking me in. He walked behind me not saying a word. Until Justin came out of P.E hall.

"Hey babe." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Hey I'm going to math I'll talk to you later.l" I said pushing Billy's shoulder so he would move.

"Who's this?" Justin asked and I groaned.

"Billy he's new. Okay bye." I said and pushed Billy along.

"Who was that?" Billy asked and I sighed. Not really listening to him. More talking to myself.

"You spend one night with someone and they think you're in love." I said towards the floor and he let out a laugh. I looked at him. There was some girls hanging out by the lockers and he gave them a wink. Jesus. I sighed as we got to class. I sat in the seat with the empty one beside me m. So Hargrove was stuck with me again. Or was it the other way around. He found little ways to bug me, tapping his pen, drawing on his book, flicking through pages. His whole presence bugged me. When the bell rung I found Steve and Nancy and groaned.

"What's wrong with you grumpy?" Steve asked and I sighed.

"New guy." I said and Steve threw an arm around my shoulder.

"You're always so grumpy. Lighten up a bit. There's a party this weekend. We're all going. You should too." He said and I sighed. Tina's party. Oh the joy.

"Fine I'll come. But only because there's alcohol." I said and Nancy laughed.

"That's my girl." Steve said and we walked out into the cafeteria.

Lost cause// Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now