A little bit of everything :)

47 15 6

tagged by : seouljeons -yoonjin

1. do i hv a crush
nope ;) idk

2. middle name
u wont wanna know

3. height
5 feet 3.5 inches
seouljeons i grew ahhahahah

4. shoe size

5. eye colour

6. last time i cried
centuries ago

7. biggest fear

8. last song i listen to

9. last person i texted

10. fav app
wp insta

tag 20 ppl
cigaretae SuYounG_1 BCJIMIN chokingbitch vanillaseokie KOOKIEGUK Pink_Prince_Seokjin visualkinks alienwriterr- XHIOSHANG yygsun berrymilkeuu confujeon cypherdrops tiredmax Akaaashii gangmanjoon sadwh0res sugaratte bxsans

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