Cinderella's Prison.

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¨It was all a dream¨ they said.

Pumpkin carriages and talking mice that sewed clothes.

If it was a dream,

why does it feel so real?

¨Magic isn't real,¨ they'd said.

Fairy godmothers and princes that fall in love with just one dance.

Is it all real or are they right,

Is it a dream?

¨dreams aren't real,¨ she heard her stepsisters call out.

dreams of true love and happily ever after.

Dreams that her parents raise her to believe in.

Her step-mother was a cruel and manipulative woman,

she raises her daughters:

Drizella and Anastasia to be even worse than she is.

Her mother always taught her, to be nice to everyone,

and that's what she did.

she clean, she cooked, she barely slept, she did everything she could to be a good stepdaughter to her new stepfamily

But they repaid her with harsh, cruel treatment.

Cinderella is what they called her.

¨Cinderella! ¨ she heard the Echoes of their calls.

Cinders from the fireplace when she slept in the winter to keep warm, they covered her clothes, her hair, and her face.

Now she sits in her cell scrubbing the floor and dreaming of a life that she used never have.

The pills in her food keep her happy,

she cleans,

she eats.

And she sleeps.

An endless cycle to keep her in the illusion that she is living a happy life with her prince in the palace.

They told her it was all a dream, but they don't know of the box hiding in the wall of her cell.

The box that contains.

her hopes,

her dreams,

her love,

her proof that wasn't a dream, in that box:

is the broken heel of a once beautiful glass slipper.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2020 ⏰

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