[Chapter 2 - Designer Myungjun]

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His sleep interrupted by the loud sunlight that intruded through his glass windows. The sound of birds chirping signaled that the day had already begun.

Myungjun opened his eyes as he stared at the ceiling. The same ceiling that was a festival of stars, moons and planets at night. Buying those ‘Glow in the Dark’ stickers were the best $6 that he had spent. 

As Myungjun reached for his phone that was hiding under the covers. He pressed the power button to see the time, but to his surprise, it was out of battery and refusing to turn on. He sulked and decided to read the time from an actual analog clock that was hung up in his room. It’s presence was only there as a show piece until today, where Myungjun read the time to be 12:45pm.

Suddenly in a state of panic, he stumbled out of bed with his phone and rushed to find his phone charger.

Whilst his device charged, Myungjun headed to the bathroom to quickly freshen up. Whilst shaving in a hurry, he heard his phone regain consciousness as the sound of constant notifications of missed angry phone calls of his workplace rung out, causing him to nip a few cuts here and there. 

After finally finishing shaving and a quick shower that lasted no longer than two minutes, Myungjun went to his closet and blindly picked out a shirt and pant to wear to work that he was very late for. 

Once he stuffed his phone charger and wallet into his shoulder bag, Myungjun left his apartment with his car keys in one hand and his phone in the other.

If only he hadn’t stayed up so late watching designing videos then his phone wouldn’t have been out of battery, his phone alarm would have woken him up in time for work and he wouldn’t have to deal with his angry Manager who left him multiple annoyed messages about not showing up on time.

It was already a hectic day for Myungjun, a Graphic Designer in his mid twenties who was quite talented indeed but was a very distracted man.

As he drove to his workplace, he spotted an elderly women struggling to cross the road with her groceries. 

Myungjun knew he was in a rush and his mind kept telling him that he couldn’t afford to be late to his work any longer but, he didn’t always listen to his mind. His heart told him to park his car at the nearest parking and jump out to help the elderly. And that is exactly what he did. 

The elderly was grateful for the young man who helped her when no one else batted an eyelid. Once they successfully crossed the road, she thanked him and forced Myungjun to take the $10 as a thank you. He then waved goodbye to the elderly as he got back into his car and continued to drive to work knowing he would be scolded for arriving at the office at 1:17pm.

Little did he know that a man watched the whole thing unfold from a restaurant just across from that street. A man who has having a business lunch with his colleagues, discussing on hiring a top Graphic Designer for his company.

Author's Note:

We now know the situation of both the characters so from the next onwards the real story begins on how one fell for the other.

I really appreciate all of you that read my fanfic and please feel free to leave comments or feedback regarding my work : )

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