The Rune of the Dragon

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The snow swirled and howled as the blizzard raged on. All that could be heard was wind whizzing past.

'Almost... there!' The Wielder of the Winter Dragon thought, fighting through the storm.

The cold air roughly brushed the nearly frozen tears out of her eyes as her snow white hair blew furiously around her. Struggling to keep balanced, she ran as fast her feet could carry her. She dared to glance over her shoulder and was relieved to see it was gone.

'Maybe the spell worked?' She thought, slowing her pace a bit. Taking a glance up the high mountain, she saw a teeny opening; just like the scroll said there'd be. Assuming it was the cave she wanted, she started to pick up her pace again, trying to cover as much as ground as she could. Then out of NO where,

"SCREEEEEECH!!!" The wielder skid to a halt, looking up sadly at the flying beast coming for her.

"Ah... what am I going to do with you?" She said at the figure, clutching the small engraved object securely in her hand.

Her ice blue eyes squinted as the silhouette blocked the small amount of sunshine left. Staring at the illuminated creature, her attention drifted to the stone in her fist. Watching as the faint blue glow from inside the engravings grew brighter, she suddenly realized her fate.

She could hear the savage beating of strong wings; gusts of freezing air blowing at her body. And as she saw the blue spark flash in it's eyes, her reflexes immediately threw the stone into the water and off the cliff. Then all she heard was a roar and she felt something jab into her chest.

Her vision blurred as she looked down at the blood-stained snow, and then she let herself fall. Finally, all the sounds around her sounded underwater and she felt her eyes gently flutter close.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2018 ⏰

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