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Hi! I made this because Tsukkiyama is canon afterall (Thank you for letting me know _emmzz_ 😂)

By the way, the reader's name would be Hoshi(星) which is a japanese name of "star". The reader is a 7 yr. Old male, (always been mistaken as a girl RIP)and his last name before was Chiharu* then becames a Tsukishima(Tsukki is the father-figure,plus they're still 15/16in the anime & they can't be married at a young age lol) but when he's infront of people who don't know much about him, he'll introduce himself as Tsukishima Hoshi, if it includes the Volleyball team, he'll introduce himself as Chiharu Hoshi, why you ask? Everyone doesn't know (yet) that Tsukki and Yama are dating AND has a child under their wing

* CHIHARU (千春): Japanese name meaning "one thousand springs."

Btw they adopted Hoshi recently(his age 6 that time) and found lying on the ground wounded, which Yamaguchi cleaned the wounds while Tsukishima watch the boy incase if he woke up

Information about Hoshi

Full name: Old: Chiharu Hoshi
New: Tsukishima Hoshi

Age: 7

Birthdate: August 02, 2010

Personality: He has warmhearted nature and emotional understanding that constantly seeks affection. He's more of an introvert, he prefers to stay inside the house than socializing with kids that are are the same age as him. Whenever he gets bored, he tooks out his POP(Copyrighted 😂😂)
Edit(04/08/18): Ignore that. In short of his personality, he's a introverted tsundere ; 3 ;

Likes: His adopted parents, volleyball, singing, red velvet cupcakes, cats, birds, his game console along with the games ♡

Dislikes: Hot-headed people, bullies, getting picked-on, and mistreated by other people

Appearance: Mid-length brown hair, hazel brown eyes, slight pale skin, short & feminine body(a reason why they mistaken him as a girl ; - ;)

Language that he speaks: Japanese, English

Language he needs to learn: German, Filipino, Korean

I think that's your info about the reader, I apologize if you want the reader in "Y/N" or "F/N" etc. Plus its quite boring when I keep on using the same letters with slashes. I hope you understand what I mean. Thank you ♡

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