The Doors

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"Relax and close your eyes. I'm going to count to thirty and then you're going to fall into a deep sleep" A soft but stern female voice tells me. It's dark, and I don't know where I am or who I am. "But when I tell you to wake up," No, I don't want to fall asleep. I won't. I can't. Something bad is going to happen to me, I can feel it. "Wake up," my breathing becomes heavier and I'm getting a tingling sensation in my chest.

"Are you ready? Good. One, two, three..." I fight to keep awake, but her hypnotic voice is making me so tired. I'm blinking rapidly trying not to succumb to the terror sleeping. "...Twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty."

I opened my eyes. I wasn't in the dark room any more. I was in a cave, with stalagmites and stalactites every where. The occasional sound of water dropping into a puddle could be heard, echoing throughout the cave. It was bright, though I didn't know where the light was coming from. "What do you see?" The voice said, but this time, it sounded like a far off whisper.

I looked around the floor of the cave, there was a rock so I told the voice that I saw a rock. "What color is the rock?" It asked. "Purple," I replied. This doesn't make any sense. "Pick up the rock," the voice said ,"What is inside of it?" It's a rock, only thing that's going to be inside a rock, is more rock. I picked it up anyways, not wanting to see what happened if I disobeyed the voice.

Sure enough, there was a latch on the bottom of the rock, I open it and a bird flys out, it circles around my head and lands on my arm and stares at me. It's small dark eyes shining and it feels like its staring into my soul. "A bird," I say,"it's a dove!" I almost laughed, what a strange and silly thing! A dove flying out of a purple rock, what kind of bizarre world was I in exactly?

The dove coos and I drop the rock and pet its head. The funny thing is, is that when the rock hit the ground I didn't hear it make a noise. "Do you see a door?" The voice asks again. I look around again. Behind a group of stalactites is a wooden door. "Yes, I see a door." I say walking closer to it.

"What color is it?"

"Sky blue."

"Do you want to open it?"

Curiosity gets the best of me, "Yes," I say putting my hand on the cold brass doorknob. When I do this, the bird drops off my arm, dead. I step back tearing up at the sight of my poor little bird friend. I cover my mouth and hold back a sob.

"Open it,"

I don't have control over my body any more and I open the door, a white light pierces my eyes, I step into the room and turn around. I see cave is dissolving. The door then shuts its self and disappears.

I am alone in an all bright white room.

I don't want to end up like the bird.

I don't know who I am.



I'm Elizabeth and this is my first story I've ever published on wattpad (hurray!), so comments and thoughts are greatly appreciated. Also, if you see spelling or grammatical errors, don't hesitate to tell me (Just don't be rude about it, please). I'm not the best speller in the world.

The next chapter will be up as soon as I finish it. I don't know if I'll be posting frequently or not, it depends on how much time I have to write.

Have a great day and thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2014 ⏰

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