Part 7

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Was he still in the meeting? I sure as hell hoped not.

Jogging towards the homestead, I let out a deep breath. I walked into the building, trying to keep my steps silent. A large, wooden door stood about ten feet in front of me, and I could hear voices arguing behind it.

It was Minho and Newt....and I had heard my name. Curiosity got the better of me, and I padded quietly to the door.

"She sure as hell does not deserve a spot at the table!" Minho yelled, exasperation soaking through his tone.

"Get over your bloody ego, and listen to me!" the accented voice rang out, louder than the first one. Minho stayed quiet and I internally cheered.

"Fine. Speak, shuckface."


Standing up straight, I pulled my ear away from the door. My jaw was agape in shock. Newt, the second-in-command in the Glade, was trying to persuade Minho, and possibly others, into thinking that I deserved a spot at the table. He was arguing for me to be apart of their headquarters. 

If he won, I would have an insane amount of power. The Keepers would have no idea how much power they would be giving me access to. The Glade and the future of its inhabitance would be like putty in my hands....

Holy shit. I don't know if I could handle that type of responsibility. What if I messed up?

Slightly stumbling, I walked backwards until my back bumped into the wall that was currently opposite of me. The wood slightly scratched the backside of my body as I slid down the wall of the hallway. I set my head in my hands, still completely and utterly baffled. 

Newt, being second-in-command, had loads of respect in the Glade. Much needed and much deserved respect. These boys looked to him as a leader, as a mate, as a fellow Glader, and even a family member. But, all of the kinship set aside, he had a major amount of respect. Newt needed to have this following, and I'm sure he worked hard to keep his status up to par. In case of emergency, he needed to be able to rally the Glade into unity. He needed to be a leader. A commander. The head of this community. 

Basically, if Newt lost his 'popularity', the Glade would eventually fall to shit. 

And, right now, as he sat in that meeting, he was putting all of this on the line. Did he know what exactly he was doing? I mean, from what I remember,  Newt was very level headed character. That Brit was a brilliant and very vital member to the Glade, and he was very skilled in handling situations well. For a seventeen year old boy, at least. 

My brain fell away from that beautiful blond, and towards the reality of the situation. 

Most likely, I would be called in for some sort of 'questioning'. I would assume that I would have to prove myself. The Keepers would have to believe that I was worth it. 

The thing was, loads of my memories seemed to be foggy. It was as if they were all years old....and that scared me. 

Smashing my eyes shut, I scraped the inside of my brain for all the information I could find. I tried to pick out certain memories of the books and go in and sort of 'clean them up'. Almost as if I was going through each fact in my mind with a fine-tooth comb. This helped me refresh a couple of key things, but the effort that it took was immense. 

After a couple moments lost in deep thought, I opened my eyes. I noticed that my each muscle was held tight in my body, completely contracted. With a bit of conscious effort, I relaxed, breathing in and out slowly. My body ached and it felt as if someone was squeezing on my head, slowly increasing the pressure. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2018 ⏰

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