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The sun came up and I went to grab my books before classes. I got into the room and got changed. Then I got my stuff and left. Everyone else had already left. I had to fly closer to the building then ran inside. The bell rang as I sat down. Immediately I noticed Dean beside me. After class dean wanted to talk to me. "Cas where'd you go last night." He must have heard the door close." I went for a walk." He said ok and then we just talked all the was down the hall. "Cas why are you so weird?" He ask. "My "people skills" are "rusty." I answered.

               Deans POV

He said his people skills are rusty then we went to our next classes. The day finally ended and I went back to the dorm.
  3rd person
The next two months where pretty uneventful. The boys grew closer together. Particularly Dean and cas. It was just about thanksgiving break now with two days left.
              Castiel's pov
Thanksgiving break is in two days and I cant go see my family. I have to stay on earth. I hadn't been able to stretch my wings to often. Not as much as I need to. They are also left ungroomed and messy. I hate earth and most humans. Ugh. Hey here comes Dean. "Hey cas" he still calls me cas. Im beginning to grow fond of it. "Hello Dean." Keeping my wings concealed is becoming difficult. My emotions have a lot to do with that. By befriending the winchesters and creating a human bond I have allowed human feelings. The more I feel the harder it gets to hide my wings. Dean still doesn't know what I am.
                   Deans pov
"Hello Dean." Cas said after I greeted him. "Hey you said you don't have much family around so... Do you want to come with me and sam for thanksgiving?" Cas looked up at me and smiled. "Yes Dean I'd love to." Omc he said yes I didn't tell Bobby. I am soooo dead. This is gonna be pretty short notice.
             3rd person
The three boys pulled up to the house in a black 67 Chevy impala. It was an older run down blue house with a yard full of broken down cars. They walked up and Dean knocked. An older man with blue-gray eyes and an old cap opened the door. "Hey Bobby." The boys greeted each hugging the older man.

                  Sam's pov
We got in the house. I was so glad bobby was around. The entire car ride up here was cas and dean being totally not gay. Stares that where a little to long to be comfortable and the occasional to long to be bro hugs when we stopped. My chuck, I mean seriously come on.

                   Deans pov

Once we walked in sam seemed to zone out a little. Maybe its just all the memories. Any way it took two days to get here and thanksgiving is in three so I'm probably going to crash soon. Oh wait cas doesn't have anywhere to sleep. "Hey Bobby where's cas sleeping." Bobby made a face that said I don't know then said. "He's your boyfriend you figure it out." Cas was staring at the ground I felt my face go red. Sam was dying at this point. Bobby looked at me like I was stupid. "I wasn't serious ya idjit. Cas can sleep on the couch." It got late we went to bed. I woke up and heard a sound from down stairs. I went to go check it out. When I got down there I saw cas standing in front of another guy. Cas touched  the guys forehead and the guys eyes and mouth started glowing. "Cas." He turned around and faced me wide eyed. "What the hell are you?" Cas smirked. "Quite the opposite actually." Well THAT was cryptic. "What?" He looked at me all apologetic. "Im an angel." I laughed once without amusement. "Yeah right." Light suddenly filled the room and two enormous shadow wings appeared behind cas. "Okay. Your an angel. We have to tell sam." Cas looked panicked when I said it. "No." He said in a dangerous tone.

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