chapter 5

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Richie's POV

So me and (y/n) have been watching movies all night long and when I mean all night long I mean all night long because I barely work up at 12o clock to see my beautiful girl (y/n) laying on my chest she looked beautiful with her long beautiful (your choice of hair) and her (your choice of eye color to) and I just pet her hair and she slowly woke up

" uhh richie..?"

She was like a zombie when she was talking to me so I just laughed

" yes baby its me who else would it be?"

"Oh I don't know but........"

She gives me a quick kiss then runs away so I get up and chase after her we were running around the house until someone knocks at the door

" hey Rosa I need to get the door why dont you go get ready for today?"

She looks at me then blows me a kiss and I catch it and she goes back upstairs and I answer the door

Your POV

I went upstairs after richie had told me to and I heard him open the door and the noise little girl I am I peeked at who was at the door and it was Eddie oh god oh god what is he doing here Eddie is the one who kissed me and made richie mad oh fuck me hard AHHHHHHHH calm down Rosa nothing will happen will it......


I was in so much shock the whole thing went by so fast I was like a deer I'm head lights the only thing I saw was richie laying on the floor and Eddie just standing over him and I quickly run into Richie's room and locked the door and I heard heavy footsteps come up the stairs then loud knocking at the door

" ohhhh Rosa open up its Eddie the one you love the most richie wanted me to come tell you something will you please open up?"

"No I'm not opening the door Eddie not for you until I hear richie then I will let you in"

I hear him whisper something then Pounds on the door


I start to cry and cover my hlears and close my eye I crawl in the closest and hide and I cover my mouth I then hear the door break open

" ohh Rosa where are you..."

I close my eyes tight and my foot hits something and my heart races fast and Eddie grabs my leg and throws me on the bed

"Oh your mine today baby"


He holds me down and I try to free myself and all I remember is Eddie kissing me


I wake up in Richie's bed where I was before I passed out and I turned over to see Eddie on the floor and Richie sitting in a chair at his desk

" RICHIE!!!"

I run up and hug him and he holds me close and kisses me everywhere on my face and I laugh while he does so

" oh Rosa did he hurt you oh my love I will never let him hurt you ever again!!"

" what did happened did he you...?"

Richie nods his head no and I sigh in relief and I kiss richie on his small soft lips and he wraps his hands around my waist and pulls me closer after like 10 seconds of kissing we break the kiss for air

" so I think I might throw this asshole outside so he does do anything else to us"

"Ya and since you saved me I have a present for you waiting in the shower when you come back"

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