Hello invisible readers:)

Today I am going to talk about me- ya know, likes, dislikes, favourite bands, favourite colour(s) and stuff like that. If you do not wanna hear about this, I advise you turn around AND NEVER COME BACK because this whole book is probably gonna be this weird:)

 If you do not wanna hear about this, I advise you turn around AND NEVER COME BACK because this whole book is probably gonna be this weird:)

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So. This is me.
I am 17 years old.
I have you know that I am obsessed with my eyebrows!

HOW CAN I NOT LIKE MY OWN EYEBROWS?!?!?!?!?!!???!?!??!?!?I'm slightly disappointed in myself though; the last time I clipped them was a week-and-a-half ago, they're still decent

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HOW CAN I NOT LIKE MY OWN EYEBROWS?!?!?!?!?!!???!?!??!?!?
I'm slightly disappointed in myself though; the last time I clipped them was a week-and-a-half ago, they're still decent.


I hate my skin though, its so oily. Well, it could be worse.


I really hate Justin Beiber, the first song I listened to was Baby (the song UP THERE↑) and I thought he was a girl, anyways his music is dreadful.


Speaking of JB remember that one video of the water-bottle? It hit his head or something and he was like:


"and I love yo- OUCH that didn't feel good"
*nervous laugh*
"I don't know why she just threw that at me." (Assuming genders eh tough guy?)
*dies a little inside*


But Marilyn Manson on the other hand was like:

*being ultra hot*
*water bottle hits his leg*
*Twiggy points out the water bottle*
"whoever threw the bottle cum on up stage!"
*crowd is being obnoxious*
"Who's the tough guy? Pick yourself out!"
*crowd is still obnoxious and they are probably not gonna stop for a while*
"Cum on! You wanna throw the bottle? C'mere. Cum up here and throw the bottle I'll give you the bottle. Your gonna throw that right at my face."
*random mumbling from Manson* "you fukin bitch. Get on the stage c'mon."
*mumbling about the bottle*
"On three! One two three!"
*guy throws bottle terribly*

~the end


Who do YOU think handled it better?
How do you think Trent Reznor would've handled something like that?


Sooooooo. My favourite colours are red and black. Red because red is awesome. Black because why not?


My favourite bands are Marilyn Manson, System Of A Down, Nine Inch Nails and Skinny Puppy. What about you?



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2017 ⏰

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