Chapter 1

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                I groaned as I stretched and opened my eyes, squinting at the sun shining in through my sheer curtains. I sat up and looked around my room, filled with boxes. I had just moved back in with my mom and siblings. When my parents got divorced I decided to live with my dad, but his new job requires him to move to Ireland, and I didn’t want to leave the United States. So, I moved back in with my little sister Skylan, little brother Hayes, and big brothers Nash and Will along with our mom and step dad. Will was away at college, but the rest of my crazy siblings were still at home.

                I got out of bed and looked in the mirror. My wavy dark brown hair was tangled and frizzy, while my bright blue eyes were lined with crust. I shuffled into my bathroom and tamed my hair and washed my face, making myself look presentable. I decided to stay in what I slept in, a pair of sweat pants and a tank top.

                “Hey stranger.” A deep voice piped behind me. I jumped.

                “Nash! You freaking scared me to death!” I yelled. He smiled.

                “Well it’s been almost two years, Brynnie! Look at my baby sister, all grown up.” He said, poking me.

                “I’m only a year younger than you, Nash! And I tried to visit you at Magcon but someone became a superstar and didn’t recognize his own sister!” I shot back.

                “Okay, in my defense you were in a crowd of a dozen other girls and I hadn’t seen you in over a year. Come down stairs.” He said, changing the subject. I agreed and followed him down the stairs.

                “Guys, this is Brynn, my sister.” He said, and I came to a screeching halt. In my living room sat 5 guys that I did not plan on seeing.

                “You have a sister?” Jc asked, knowing the answer.

                “Yeah, she lived with my dad for a while.” Nash answered simply.

                “Oh. Well, hi Brynn! I’m Jc, that’s Ricky, that’s Jack, that’s the other Jack, that’s Cam, and that’s-“

                “Jc, she knows who we are, you don’t have to introduce us like she doesn’t. Remember who we are?” A boy with caramel skin and brown eyes you could get lost in said. I wrinkled my nose at his comment.

                “I’m sorry, who are you?” I asked, knowing he was Matt Espinosa. I watched my brother’s vines. I wasn’t a huge fan or anything, but I was aware.

                “You’re kidding right?” He huffed, obviously offended.

                “No, I’m sorry. Never heard of you.” I batted my eyelashes and Ricky cracked up.

                “Sorry, he’s kinda full of himself. That’s Matt.” Cam said. I blushed when his eyes met mine.

                “Where did you move here from?” Cam asked.

                “I lived with our dad in Washington until his job asked him to move to Ireland.” I explained, sitting down next to Jc on the couch.

                “That’s cool, when do you start school?” He said.

                “Monday.” I made a face of disgust and the guys laughed.

                “Matt, stop staring at my sister boobs.” Nash interrupted, giving Matt a death glare.

                “I wasn’t.” He choked out, face red. I felt my face turn a shade of crimson.

                “She’s probably used to guys staring, I mean look at her.” Cam said shyly. Now I was sure my face was a deep red.

                “Um I’m going to go get dressed and…stuff. Lots of unpacking to do. Nice to meet all of you.” I waved as I bounded up the stairs and into my room. I let out a breath. Did Cameron Dallas just imply I was pretty? No, he must have been joking. I took a long shower.

                “Oh girl you shinin’

                Like a 5th avenue diamond

                They don’t make you like they used to

                You’re never going out of style”

                I sang the lyrics to Classic by MKTO as I washed away my worries. I turned the water off, humming to myself as I dried my body and hair. I brushed my hair out, letting it dry in its natural beachy waves. I decided on wearing a pair of high waisted shorts and a muscle tee from Brandy Melville. I don’t usually wear makeup so I just applied a moisturizer to my face and left the bathroom. I put in my ear buds and blasted the music as I unpacked my room. I sang along to the lyrics of “Ain’t it fun” by Paramore as I organized everything. Suddenly my mood changed. The song God Gave Me You by Blake Shelton came on and my eyes watered. It was my boyfriend and I’s song. I missed him a lot. I was going to visit in a few weeks but I hated being so far from him. We had been dating for nine months and I loved him.

                I felt a pair of hands around my waist.

                “You’re a good singer.” Someone said, making me jump.

                “Oh, you heard that?” I blushed, turning to face Cam.

                “Yeah, you should start vining or you tubing or something.” He smiled.

                “Thanks.” I smiled back.

                That night I lay in bed and I found myself thinking of Cam and Matt instead of Hayden. And weirdly, I was ok with it.

----Authors Note: I don’t know if anyone will ever read this but if you do thank you!! This is my first fan fic, so bare with me here. I do NOT think Matt is full of himself either. I just needed something for the story. Also, who do you want to end up together, Matt and Brynn or Cam and Brynn? Thank you again if anyone ever reads this!!!----------

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2014 ⏰

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