Chapter 2

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Foxface’s POV

My legs are moving, but I've got no idea where to go. My mentors will be locked in their rooms, they don’t care, and my escort will most probably be out mixing with her Capitol friends. I left my District partner in the gym, but we aren’t really close anyway. By the time I get to the elevator, I decide to just go and sit in the lobby of the massive building we're staying in. I sit down on a sofa in the reception and tilt my head back, resting it on the back of the chair. I close my eyes and all I can see is him. His blonde/brown hair, green eyes, muscular figure, strength, accuracy.

No. Stop it, Finch,” I tell myself, bending forward, elbows on my knees, head in my hands.

“He wants to kill you. You need to get home. It’s all part of his plan.” I can just imagine how right this second they’re all mocking me, I should have known better than to try and befriend a career. I’ve never been very good at making friends, I’m too shy, it’s a wonder I’m friends with Mae and her brother, but we’re all so alike. Why would a Career even want to be my friend? They're just trying to kill me. I need to stop thinking about the Careers; they’ll have to end up killing each other in the arena anyway, so it’s not my problem. 

I compose myself and walk back to the gym. I take a deep breath and enter the hall, preparing myself for the worst. Nothing really happens. Everyone turns to look at me, but they all just get straight back to what they’re doing. I notice that the male from 12 is throwing weights, he's pretty good; maybe he isn’t as useless as I first thought. Cato is trying to impress Glimmer with his swordsmanship, and Clove has retired to knife throwing again, but I can’t see the other boy anywhere. “Good,” I think, “Less distractions. I can concentrate on my training again." I make my way over to the camouflage station. I need to stay out of sight and so I have to be concealed. Although I mocked 12 for prancing about over here earlier, maybe it was a good decision; the trainer is really helpful. I think she figures out my strategy by monitoring which stations I've been at.

I then notice a fight has broken out at the knife throwing station between Cato and another male tribute. Cato is accusing him of stealing his knife, when in actual fact, a little girl, much younger than myself has taken it and is hiding high up in the climbing apparatus, giggling. I smile at the thought that a little girl, who can’t be much older than a first year, has manage to deceive a Career tribute who looks like he's about 18. I decide to try and befriend the little girl, she seems innocent enough. I  don't really like the idea of becoming her ally - she'd get in the way of my strategy - but she's so small that she would probably be picked off in the Bloodbath, so I don't see the problem with having a chat.

“Excuse me?” I say in a quiet voice after she has climbed down from the ropes. She turns to me with a smile on her face, “I like what you did to Cato, and I wish I had the nerve to do that.” I continue, returning her polite smile.

“I have a lot of practice at home; I try to steal food from the orchards where I work, for my family,” She says wistfully, I guess she is thinking of her family, “Anyway, would you like something? I saw you talking to the Career pack earlier, are you working with them? Do they have a plan to kill me or something?” She retaliates, becoming panicked.

“No, no!” I say, trying to calm her down, “The boy was trying to make me lower my guard so that I’d be an easy kill…I just wanted to chat” The little girl’s face lit up with the thought of having a companion. She nods compliantly, “I’m Rue.” She says, holding out her hand.

“Finch,” I reply, shaking her outstretched hand.

“Wait, so, you're not suggesting an alliance, are you?” Rue says politely, a hint of hope in her voice.

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