Chapter 1

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While I walked down the dusty path that leads to my house, I couldn't help but feel upset. I've done everything I can to make myself fit in and not get everyones attention. Today, someone tapped me on the shoulder to ask me something but as soon as I turned around and they saw my eyes, they looked like they had seen a ghost and walked away to ask another person in the room. I didn't know what to do.

As I was walking I noticed that after every step I took, a cloud of dust formed around my shoes making them even dirtier. By the time I was home my shoes were caked in dust and dirt. I was waiting for my mum (A/N yes I'm British so I use the word mum not mom) to tell me to take my shoes off so the carpet doesn't get dirty. 'Eva shoes off!' she called down to me, see I called it! I didn't bother using my hands to take them off, I just used my feet to help slide them off like I always do.

After getting some food from the kitchen, I headed upstairs to my room. After hours of homework, dinner was ready so I jumped down the stairs and ran into the kitchen picking up my plate, cutlery and water and sitting at the dining table. I finished my food in record time, cleaned my plate and ran back upstairs. As I was getting ready for bed I couldn't help but see the scar on my stomach from the people at school. I started crying and flopped onto my bed not quite falling straight asleep. My thoughts keep me awake most nights and I was given pills to help me sleep but I haven't braved taking them. I don't want to cheat sleep.

Waking up the next day I realised that it was Saturday at last! I got ready as fast as I could and ran out of the house. I made my way to the local coffee shop and got a croissant and some juice. After that, I walked to my favourite place - the garden. I know, I know it doesn't sound magical but it is the only place that I can be alone and no one know where I am. It is also the most beautiful place in the city with flowers climbing up the walls and creeping across the floor. Sitting there always calmed me down and made me forget about what was happening at school. I mean I love my friends and family but I wish they would just leave me alone sometimes. PING! It was my phone, the message read - Hey! It's me r u ok? love Morgan xx. I set my phone back down and ignored it, I didn't feel like chatting today.

A/N hi just saying soz haven't posted in ages - school is rly annoying BUT IMPORTANT. anyway soz for the cliff hangar but ye bye xx

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