- 12.00pm || Day 6 -

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Marinette anxiously tapped her foot against the linoleum floor as her eyes followed the hands of the wall clock. Alya prodded her arm. "You know, giving the clock a death glare isn't going to make time go faster."

Marinette groaned softly and buried her head in her hands.

"Miss Cesaire, Miss Dupain-Cheng, unless you are absolutely sure that you will get 100% in tomorrow's chemistry test, I suggest you talk later and listen now." Miss Mendeleiv snapped, her beady eyes glaring holes into Marinette and Alya.

Marinette and Alya sheepishly nodded and Alya went back to listening to class. Marinette still continued to stare at the wall clock. Time isn't going very fast. Marinette sighed again, resting her head on her hand.

"Class dismissed." Miss Mendeleiv finally announced, stepping down from the podium and exiting the classroom. Marinette tore down the steps to the ground floor, her pink flats pounding against the ground as she sprinted out of the school.

She threw the doors open and stormed out, determined to talk to Adrien properly. Looking around, Marinette sighed. "Of course he didn't wait for me."

"Over here!" Adrien stumbled out from behind the door, clutching his face.

"Adrien! What happened? Are you okay?" Marinette gasps in shock, as Adrien rubs his forehead, wincing as his hand moved over a sore spot.

"Someone threw open the door and I was behind it." Adrien sighed, glancing at Marinette sheepishly. "So. About yesterday." 

Marinette shifted from one foot to another. The silence hung thick and heavy like a blanket. "So." Marinette repeated, glancing up to look at Adrien. He swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down. 

"Okay, so the thing is that I really really really like you! I didn't know how to tell you this because I keep freezing up around you and I'm really awkward! I completely understand if you find me weird and creepy because heck, I even have your schedule on my wall!" Marinette blurted out, before clapping her hand over her mouth in horrified realization.

"Actually, Marinette, I'm flattered. I like you too. I just wanted to get to know you better as Chat Noir. You just seem so scared whenever I try to talk to you! I wanted to figure out how to make you more comfortable with talking to me. I hope you aren't mad at me." Adrien confesses, flushing pink as heat crept up his neck and cheeks.

"Yes! Yes! Adrienette is happening! We did it, Nino!" A voice squealed from inside a bush before it was silenced by another voice shushing it. Adrien chuckled a little. "They were in it too. Nino found a way to make the system put your account and mine together."

"Oh." Marinette hummed. "Have fun with your new ship!" Alya yelled, dragging Nino out of the bush and away from the school, probably on a date. Adrien and Marinette sat on the steps in silence, as a light drizzle started, before becoming heavier. A clap of thunder caused Marinette to jump a little, startled by the sudden sound.

He smiled, blushing lightly as he felt Marinette's petite body cuddle up to his. They stayed like that for a while, until Adrien's bodyguard pulled up in a silver Mercedes. "I guess my ride's here. You can take these." Adrien pressed a kiss to Marinette's cheek before putting a black umbrella beside her.  "You can return the kiss tomorrow. Keep the umbrella." Adrien winked before he ran down the steps to the front of the school. "See you tomorrow, M'lady!"

Marinette grinned, waving at Adrien. She was glad she got that first message.

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