chapter 1

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where are my shoes ?

I scratched my jungle of hair trying to remember the last place i put my black combat boots .

closet ?
under the bed ?
in the living room ?

Oh damn

I went downstairs almost tripping on the last step . I turned left down the long hallway and bumped into Noah

" Oh hey Bro you've seen my black boots ? " I asked

" Dude you have like 30 pairs in your closet what is so special about these ? "

" Valerie told me she liked them last week " I stressed

he laughed .

I don't have time for this I looked down and saw he had them on

I know they're mine because of the red shoelace tips I put on them

" What the fuck ? Noah give me my shoes ! "

" COME GET THEM " he screamed dead in my face

I ran after him around the couch until he was one end I was at the other

I took my chances and jumped across the couch landing on top of him while he tried to get back up I turned my body around and went to his feet and struggled to take his shoes off

" Get your fat ass off of me Abel ! MOM YOUR SON IS ASSAULTING ME ! "


" Moooom " I whined . I may be 17 but it's not wrong to act like a little kid once in a while .

" he has my shoes " I said glaring at my twin

she rubs her forehead " Oh Lord . Noah give your brother his shoes back you guys already 5 minutes late to school "

I quickly snatched my shoes away from him and put them in and tied them on grabbed my book bag off the hook near the door and walked outside without grabbing an apple . whatever Lamar would probably get me something .

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