The Love trap (KPOP fanfiction!)

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NEW FANFIC ALERT! My second SHINee FANFIC!!!! Please enjoy!!

Chapter 1

  It was at 4 am in the morning when SHINee's angelic manager had assembled them up in the dining room for a meeting. The five grouchy boys seemed far from delighted at their managers absurd behaviour and continued to give him dirty looks while they rubbed their eyes.

  "Manager hyung, why such an early meeting?" Jonghyun complained.

  Their manager chuckled. "I'll let you sleep, don't worry. I just needed to make a quick announcement."

  The boys suddenly sat up more alertedly in their pyjama's. Their manager had never given them an announcement at such unholy time of day. They stifled their yawns and tried to catch on to what he was saying through the half asleep ears.

  "The CEO of SM entertainment rang me last night to congratulate you boys on your Ring Ding Dong tour. Now that the promotions have come to a close, he figures that you need some rest and relaxation and would like to invite you to his home for a celebratory dinner, tonight." Manager hyung smiled. "I want you boys on your best behaviour, am I heard?"

   The boys heads nearly popped off as they nodded vigurously. Each was thinking of a different fantasy, and it wasn't hard to guess as the manager bade them good bye and left them to have breakfast.

  "Dinner? At the CEO's house!" Key breathed, pouring conflakes on to the table and missing the bowl directly.

  Jonghyun was too overwhelmed to speak properly through all the rice in his mouth, instead sticking to spraying rice everywhere as he grinned. Taemin who was normally cheerful seemed even more ecstatic as he sat down at the breakfast table and Onew and Minho both seemed very pleased at the news.

   Minho who had eaten the fastest due to a competition that ended in Jonghyun clutching his stomach in pain, sat on top of the kitchen worktop next to the sink and pulled his perfectly brown hair into a pony tail to stop it getting in his eyes.

  "Who do you think might come?" He asked.

  Key snorted. "It doesn't matter who come's the CEO's place must be so large we wouldn't notice if an army of people are there!"

   "But we're going to have to look the part aren't we? Do you think Hana will come with new outfits, I didn't like the last tux it was extremely tight." Onew told them.

  Minho laughed. "Well maybe you should cut the chicken or we'll be carrying you out of the house in a stretcher by next year."

  Onew didn't look too happy by the idea but kept quiet, it was Taemin who broke the silence. 

  "Hyung, do you think there will be paparazzi there?" Even though he didn't like to admit it, the last time a paparazzi had snapped a picture of him blowing his nose, had been humiliating. More to it his newly dyed reddy-brown hair was easily spottable.

   "I don't think so. The CEO probably has security guards on every stretch of his premises, not even a rabbit can get in without an invite." Onew chuckled. By this time, everyone was used to Onew's rather random jokes and they laughed along.

  "Guys." Jonghyun silenced. "Your speaking about him like he's a multi million magnet that likes to use machine guns and aircrafts as a hobby. Youngmin Sunbae isn't going to exterminate a fan who tries to enter, he'll probably fry them." 

    The silence was deafening as they all stared at him with disgusted looks, he simply shrugged holding back a grin and cleared away his plate.

   "Well I'm going to go have a shower, tell me if Hana gets here." said Key.

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