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Annyeong! Hope you enjoy :D

Chapter 2

"Ah! Jiyong, Raye. Let me introduce you to SHINee." Raye's uncle beckoned. She was glad that he seemed unfazed by the way they had run down the stairs like a pack of animals. Jiyong really hadn't been kidding when he said he had a good horror story to tell her.

  The boys in front of her seemed to calm her anxiety down though. They were so handsome, that she could feel herself grinning stupidly. 

  "Annyeong! We are shining SHINee!" They bowed. The boy with blonde highlights smiled warmly at her.

   Her aunt clapped enthustiastically. Raye had suspicions that her aunty was a fan. The woman seemed awed by every moment in their company.

  "Well let's head to dinner!" Aunt Hyori said bouncing up and down.

    Jiyong walked in time with her, winking and generally pissing her off. He was handsome and all but he seemed so far on the deluded scale that it scared her. Dinner was delicious and all the guests chatted animatedly to each other, apart from her. She was finding it hard to just keep herself from spilling the food everywhere.

  "So Raye I heard you lived in America is that true?" SHINee's manager asked abruptly.

  "Y-yes." She choked as she downed the moutful of steaming soup too fast.

  "Our Key went there for a period of time too. Are you fluent in the language?" 

  She nodded feeling suddenly homesick. "Yes. I've lived there all my life."

 "My son lived in New york for half his life too." Jiyongs father interjected, patting his son on the back heartily.

  "That's great." SHINee's manager said. "They can all get to know each other than."

  "Oh, my sons already met SHINee, haven't you Jiyong?" Hyunseung beamed at his son.

   Jiyongs eyes gleamed. "Neh, I was at the SM building and I bumped into them."

  Raye was overcome with curiosity. What happened when they had met? The SHINee boys looked emotionless but Jiyong continued to look mysterious and untelling. She would have to corner him later.

   "Would you like to sing us a song after we finish desert." Aunt Hyori batted her eye lashes at SHINee. "You could use our piano if you like."

   "We would be honoured." said Onew their leader. The first thing Raye noticed about him was that his smile was compelling. It reached his eyes and seemed to stay there, instantly lighting the mood. 

    Dinner, to her gratitude, ended shortly after and they all made their way to the piano. Two boys who she remembered as Key and Taemin sat down on the piano seat together, one on each end. Minho, Jonghyun and Onew stood next to them. Raye, her la la eyed aunt and the men stood as the audience.

  Jonghyun was the first to start singing while Key and Taemin played the piano.

Nuna neomu yeppeoseo

Namjadeuri kaman an dueo

Heundeulineun geunyeoeui mam sashil algo isseo

His voice filled the room like a thousand angel and sent jolts down Raye's body like icy shards. Aunt Hyori didn't seem to be coping, too. She was gripping Raye's uncle's shoulder tigtly like she might collapse any moment.

 When the boys finished the last note of replay they were congratulated with thunderous applause.

  "That was beautiful dears." Aunt Hyori said wiping a tear.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2013 ⏰

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