Chapter 5 Well get out i promiss

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"Well I'll try to go find something" says Penelope

"Ok! I'll just wait here...all alone......this is boring" she says annoyed.

Time Skip

"I'm back! And I found some red str-Why are you crying" she said concerned.

"Your back! You were gone for so long.... I thought you were dead" she said sobbing.

Penelope runs over to Crystal letting tears go down her face. "No I was just fine. I'm sorry I got you worried" she said crying.

"It's okay. I'm just fine" she says. Wiping away her tears.

"Well" Penelope said " lets see if we can get this string to do something"

"Ok!" Crystal said jumping up and down like a bunny.

Crystal takes the string and makes a mini hook like thing with one of the lowest dangling crystals and then she puts the string through it and ties it " I'm gonna try to climb up it ok Penelope"

"Ok Crystal" she said worried.

She started to climb up then she got her claw stuck. Then she tried to fix it and gets more tangled.

" Just stop" Penelope said " just stop"

"Umm I did stop. Now I'm stuck. Can you help me get down. Please" she said annoyed but pleading.

"Ok,ok. I'll go find some loose crystals and try to cut the rope" she said hopeful.

"Ok! But do it quick. All my blood is going into my head"

Penelope dashes off to find some loose crystals, or gems.
A few minutes later she finds some sharp object and cuts the rope.

"Thanks Penelope" she said happily.

"Your welcome Crystal"

S C H O O L.

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