CHAPTER 2 - Finding A Way To Paris

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Mr. Qwack sent them the coordinates. When Alex read them he said, "hmmm...This looks like the coordinates of Paris?"

The Spy budgies lived in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Paris was thousands of miles away! How can us little budgies make it there in a whole day! Complained "Storm." Wait! "Alex Interrupted. What if we sneak into a flight to Paris? The nearest airport is not that far away!

Storm agreed. Then, they flew out the door at 7:30am. John gets home at 9:30pm. This means that they have about 14 hours to get things done. 10 minutes later. They stopped and went to Budgies R Us to get some millet. Then out of nowhere Alex said "Wait! Since it's 2017 they invented the Hyperloop! Which means we can get to Paris in less then 4 hours!"

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