The void

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As she is constantly stuck in this void and she docent know what to do she hides cry's she writs on her wrist with her own knife she's docent open up much not even to the people she trust she is stuck in this void of trying to hard or not trying hard anuf she is scared to let people in because she knows that they will only leave when they see her true colors she is stuck in this void of who to trust and who to not she doesn't talk much but when she does her voice is only a  raspy wisper she stays in her room because she is weak from school and dance trying to keep good grades and learn the moves in the right order its LEFT NOT RIGHT but its the void that tells her to do this to her self she is an older sister who dose alot she tries to be a good sister daughter and friend but its hard when she is stuck in this void that's in her head and is only making things harder  the void

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