Chapter 3

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Trixie POV

We stood silently as we waited for the elevator to reach our floor. As we stood, my mind flooded with thoughts. I thought about that show, and about the kiss, and about his sleepy little face. 


I realized I'd been staring into space. I snapped back into reality, and we stepped off the elevator. I walked Katya into her room and helped her settle down before helping her into bed. Once she was all comfortable, I shut off her lights and started to leave.

Katya POV

I opened my eyes to see Brian leaving "Wait trix."

"Yes, baby?"

"Can you stay here know just in case I start feeling sick again?"

"Yes of course! I'll sleep on the couch. You know I'm always down for a sleep over."

I smile and snuggle back down into my pillow knowing I don't have to be alone tonight.

Trixie POV

I grabbed a blanket and started to make myself comfortable on the couch. Brian just lied there peacefully while I tried to arrange myself in a comfortable position on the awful hotel couch. I turned over in every direction imaginable with no luck. I lay on my side and tried to close my eyes in hopes that I could force myself to sleep.

I opened my eyes to see Brian fast asleep. I smiled and then shook my head as if I had just caught myself doing something wrong. I tried closing my eyes again, but my mind kept circling back to him. I was uncontrollably thinking about that question from the show. Why did I feel so uncomfortable? Of course I wouldn't date Katya, she's my best friend! I mean I can't possibly imagine losing her, and a relationship raises the risk of that happening by a landslide. But is that my only reason against dating her? What would even happen to our friendship if something happened between us? I kept on asking myself dozens of questions. Eventually I just tried to clear my mind and get some rest. Before shutting my eyes, I glanced back over at Brian curled up under the blankets. Without even thinking, I stood up and walked over to his bed. I don't know what was going through my head but it just felt right. I crawled in beside him and drifted off to sleep.

Sort of a short one, but it's the second in one night cut me some slack (I'm trying to step up my game HAHA) <3 more chapters on the way!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2017 ⏰

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