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"...Hans." My eyes widened, "what?" Hiccup pointed at the picture he took, "look at that picture and tell me that's not Hans." I looked at it close, "o-oh my god. It is him. But, why would he do that to me?" Hiccup shrugged, "i dont know. But i know that if it was an accident he would have checked to see if you were okay, not get out and run. Plus that wasn't even his car." He sighed, "i think i know why he did it." We all looked at him and he pointed to Jack, "because he and Elsa are together. He knew he didn't have a chance with her. I bet you he meant to hit Jack, but he hit Elsa because she was the only person to not run."

Jack's POV
"Im gonna fucking kill him." Rapunzel held his face, "calm down Jack, one thing at a time. First we gotta find the bitch." Hiccup and Rapunzel stayed with Elsa while i went to the police department. "Yes my name is Jack Frost, i need help." An officer by the name of Aster walked up, "what seems to be the problem?" I showed him the pictures, "a month ago my girlfriend was hit by this car.." i showed the picture of the car, "and this man got out after the accident and ran off. I assume it was on purpose, because i know the guy and he hates me. He wanted to hit me but i ran, Elsa didnt." Aster looked at the pictures, "anything else sir?" "His name is Hans West sir, he goes to school with me." "Which school?" "Disneyworks High." "Do you know his address?" I nodded, "yes sir, it's 3521 South Garret Avenue." Aster nodded, "alright sir, we will find him. Don't you worry." I sighed in relief, "hopefully he will be caught." Aster nodded, "i'll do my best. I promise."

Elsa's POV
A week passes and I get a call, "yes sir... uhuh... you did?... oh thank you so much, thank you.... bye." I looked to Jack, "they caught him. He's in custody now." He smiled, "you are safe with me baby. You are always safe with me." I looked down at my two month bump and he smiled, "the baby too." I sighed, "i cant believe i forgot about you two, you are my life." Jack sighed, "well, that's what amnesia does. It makes you forget basically everything." I knew for a fact i wanted a daughter, mostly so i could dress her in cute clothes, but i want to name her Angel, because she is my little miracle angel that i could have lost a month ago. I still dont know how the baby wasnt injured after the accident, but i just have to be thankful. Im alive, and my baby is alive. I still have a few foggy memories, like mine and Anna's childhood. Me and Jack's three years together, my mom and dad, and many more. I wish i could remember everything, no, i wish i never lost my memory. I wish i could have ran with the others. Why did i have to freeze up? Why did i not move? I lost everything because of Hans, yes i got most of my memories back, but I'm still missing most of my life. I don't even remember how Jack and i got together. I looked at the picture of Jack and i at the bridge in the park, "Jack, do you remember how we got together?" Jack smiled and hugged me close, "of course i do baby girl. It was eighth grade, we had just got an invite to middle school prom. That night i asked you to dance with me, at first you refused, but you gave in and danced with me the whole night. Before the night ended i held your hand and gave you roses, that's when i asked you to be my girlfriend." I started to cry, it was so beautiful. "I wish i could remember all that. It was so sweet." Jack smiled, "it sounds like you already remember it, you're crying." I smiled, "J-Jack that's it. All you have to do is tell me things and it will unlock my memories." He smiled, "want me to tell you how you got pregnant?" I nodded and laid my head on his shoulder. He smiled, "well, it was a Friday night. We went to my friend Flynn's house party. There were kegs, spiked punch, wine, shots and beers everywhere. I drank about eleven beers and you had drank two beers and five shots. We were both wasted." He chuckled, "you came up to me all drunk and out of it, and we started kissing and stripping each other and did it against the wall." I smiled, "really? The wall?" He smiled, "yep, right against the cold ass wall. We did it for hours then passed out on each other, waking up late the next day with a HUGE hangover." I giggled, "oh yeah, Hiccup was laying on top of Rapunzel passed out, she had to roll him off of her to get up." He smiled, "see, you are remembering things now." I smiled, "it's working. Jack, call Anna, i need her to tell me about our childhood." After all the reminiscing I had regained all my memories, even the ones from my childhood. It was almost as if i hadn't lost my memories at all.

Two months later
Jack's POV
I'm so happy, my beautiful Elsa has all her memories back. I'm planning on proposing to her, but i want to go all out. My friends found out the gender for me after the last ultrasound, neither me or Elsa know, so this is going to be great. Gender reveal with the proposal, god this is going to be AWESOME! Everything is ready, Elsa and i are standing in front of a cake with white, pink, and blue decorations. Elsa and i stood and cut into it slowly, "Jack are you ready?" I smiled, "only if you are." Hiccup smiled, "come on already, we wanna know." I smiled, "Hiccup you already know man." He smiled, "yeah but you don't. Come on." We took the piece out, revealing a light pink strawberry cake. Elsa was about to cry, "oh my god Jack, a girl. It's a girl!" I hugged her softly, "that's not all, look on your slice of cake." As she looked for the slip of paper i hid, i got down on one knee and held out a diamond ring. "Jack i dont see any- oh, here it is." She turned around and saw me, covering her mouth with her hand. All our friends had their iPhones recording the proposal. "J-jack?" I smiled, "Elsa, i love you with all my heart. And i love our daughter the same, if not more. Almost losing you both was heartbreaking. And it hurt more when you couldnt remember the memories we shared. But im glad you are back and i hope to build more memories with you. Will you marry me?" Elsa started crying of joy, "oh Jack..."

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