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mr mendes the taniwha beware! i see the sign it doesnt worry me ! mr mendeds the taniwhai a myth i chqange into my bikini haha running into the water

sand into my hair ouch scratchy lice

im snorkelling which is different feom diving because you only use a snorkel hose and eyes and not air so im doing that and i see so much lovely coral its beautiful (authors note:im thinking about cral ad crying x) next i see a skin a skin colour foot! and hair? brown hair. its a boy?! no

a taniwha mr mendes the taniwha. IM scared but then i seev he is trapped under net

i have to help Mr mendes tthe taniwha so i hold my breath and dive down to reach him his arms are sore so i say ok and cut the rope off, oh no its wrapped arond me mr mendes is swimming away mr mend3s i gurgle mr mendes x4 he swimgs into the distane im going to die oh god so i struggle and just as im losing my concious i see a misticl shadow or fog and it comes and i see mr mendes he is coming to save me after all i have no air in my lungs

i am wake i am n the beach and then i have no idea mr mendes saved me? mr mendes the taniwha i look aorund and im good and no one is scared and where is the taniwhai man umm hmm i think i dremed it but wait whats this

a scale 

mr mendes is REAL


i sorkle for him for houese

he is nowhere but then i spot him and hes really pretty and i kiss him and then we have human /fish romantic moment and he gives me a pat on the back  trip toi the beach successfill 

Underwater with Mr MendesWhere stories live. Discover now