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Tatiana Ford 17 year old girl in love with Chris brown. Bestfrann Samiera Harvey. Crush Jaylin Vasquez. Favorite color Purple.

Samiera Harvey 17 year old girl in love with August Alsina. Bestfrann Tatiana Ford. Crush Saints Rodriguez. Favorite color Blue.

Saints Rodriguez 19 year old boy  secretly in love with Samiera. Bestfrann Jaylin Vasquez. Favorite color Red.

Jaylin Vasquez 18 about to be 19 year old boy secretly in love with Tatiana. Bestfrann Saints Rodriguez. Favorite color Black.

Sade Wyn 17 year old thot- uh excuse me girl. Dates Jaylin ( he don't like her tho). Her bestfrann imaginary(Faith). Favorite color didn't care to ask.

Erick Frederick aka Ej 18 year old boy also secretly in love with Samiera. Bestfrann Jarvis aka Jdubb. Favorite color Green.

Jarvis Davis aka Jdubb 18 year old boy. Secretly in love with Sade thot ass but makes rumors about Tatiana ( cause he like her on the DL). Bestfrann Ej. Favorite color Orange.

Faith Wilson also a 17 year old thot- excuse me sorry a girl. Bestfrann Sade. Favorite color also didn't give a fuck to ask. Secretly in love with Ej.

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