Chapter 1 "Pilot"

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"Lilly wakes up or else you're going to be late for your first day of school", screams her mom. Lilly than falls out of bed exhausted." coming mom" says Lilly. Damien walks through the kitchen door and says to Lilly's mom and dad"Good morning Mr.and Mrs.bronze stripe" "morning" says her parents. lilly comes downstairs in a flash and sits down next to Damien "hey Damien" says Lilly to Damien, Damien then blushes and finally gathers his thoughts and says "hey" to Lilly. Lilly and Damien look at the time and say "oh shit was going to be late" they rush to the bus stop but once they get them the bus is already leaving, Damien says to Lilly "looks like we have to run" they then run to the school in less than 3 minutes and are out of breath once they get there, They go into the school tired but surprise.surprise.they see who u might ask Valerie the most popular girl in school and her two little minions, Brooke, and Savannah, their pretty but stupid, But Valerie would always hurt Lilly very physically, like last time she hurt Lilly so bad she had cuts and bruises all over her. And of course, u cant forget her awesome boyfriend jack who Lilly has a big crush on but what she doesn't know is that her best friend Damien has a crush on Lilly and that Damien likes Lilly for who she is, for just being herself, when they were going to lunch, Valerie tripped Lilly, making Lilly fall in her food and being completely humiliated. Everyone starts to laugh,so Lilly runs to the bathroom crying,damien was going to go comfort her but first he went up to valerie saying to her/threatening her "if u ever hurt lilly like that agiain I will hurt u in ways u cant imagine" he then runs to get lilly, and once he stops in front of the girls bathroom he can hear lilly crying her eyes out,damien then says to her "you know lilly, your great u know that right"LIlly listens and hears what he has to say. He continues"your an awesome, kind, amazing girl and no one can see that, except for me, Damien then blushes. Lilly comes out the bathroom and hugs Damien tight and she says to him "Thank you Damien"He then blushes and he hugs her back" your welcome Lilly"A guardian then appears in front of them and she says to Lilly and Damien "Hello my king and queen, I am angel"Damien and Lilly look at angel confused and shocked and ask angel " and q..queen" then angel comes to her senses "oh yes, your the future air to the kingdom of Fantasia" and before damien and lilly could ask or say anything to her the bell rings.and then lunch was over and guess who was coming toward them "valerie".They have a history, Valerie, and Lilly because in middle school they used to be best friends, but once they hit high school something snapped in Valerie and before they knew it they weren't friends anymore and that's when Valerie was popular and Lilly had Damien.

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