Katy Perry: "Chained To The Rhythm"

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Listen to the lyrics... Do they sound weird to you?

(Credit: Shane Dawson Conspiracy Theory videos)

    She says things like, "We're all chained to the rhythm", "Living our lives through a lens", "so comfortable we cannot see the trouble", "dance dance dance to the distortion", "stumbling around like a wasted zombie", "yeah we think we're free", and "time is ticking for the empire". Doesn't that sound like she's talking about all the celebrities being in the Illuminati..? Maybe she's trying to break free...

    Also, on her album picture (shown in the video above) shows her putting her hands over her eyes... Other celebrities have done that plenty of times. You might think I'm crazy, but Shane Dawson thought so, and I originally thought this song was "off" a little but, the Shane video made me look at it differently than I already did...

Shane Dawson vid: https://youtu.be/UgAdFIn-9nQ

Hope you see what I mean there, or I'll just put the vid in this chapter:

Thanks!! See you guys in the next chapter!

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