Welcome to PriinterWorld

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You: "It's weekend and I'm so bored. I should watch another Episode of my favorite Anime PriPara."
Hey I'm you! So imagine every name you like.
Capisce! I'm just now 13 years old and I think real life sucks. This evening I went to the AppStore to see if there is something interesting new. That game catches my eye. It's name is PriinterWorld, in the description I can see that it's based on my favorite Anime.
Pripara Yeppeee!!!!
I clicked on download and still waited excited.
And finally it is finished. I opened the App.

A light flashes around me and I feel something strange. I only see random colors and suddenly hit a ground.
"Ouch. This hurts"
Where am I?
Omg I look on my phone a text had appeared:
"Welcome to PriinterWorld, please design your PriCharacter"
I must be dreaming, did I float just into a game? Or is this reality???!!!??
I look up. In front of me I can see a store, it looks a bit like in the Anime and the name is PrismParadise.

Everywhere are Girls and Boys who are designing on their phone.
So I choose long cute hair with a ribbon the color is pink. I actually have short blonde hair so another look won't look bad on me. It also asked me to choose an outfit. So I also can design it. I choose to make my own dress. This game seems quite good, if it really is only a game. So a ribbon here and a ribbon there and perfect.

I click the finish button. Another text appeared, I'm supposed now to go into that shop.

Kinda nervous but excited turn I around and enter the store. Suddenly my phone changed it's look.
"What happens here?!"

A woman turns around to me, she looks nice and similar with the character named Meganee in PriPara. I must be still dreaming.
"This is normal she says, your phone has changed into an Idol phone, it has a lot of settings. Now you must go to the girl site entry to enter the PriinterWorld for Girls. Wait you haven't picked a nickname yet I see."
"I think I will go by "Blossom."
After I typed my name in, I'm finally able to enter the "virtual world".
I have to scan my phone to receive my first standard card it's all digital. I scan my phone display, a light flashes all around me and I feel,something exciting, something in me is exploding.
"PriPara change complete." My phone suddenly says. This game must have a sound for that or something.
I arrived like in the Anime in front of a big place and in the middle is a fantasy magic spring. I look into the mirror next to me.
Did this just all happen and is that really me?. How is this possible is there some kind of magic behind it?
This game must've been invented and programmed by a very good artist. I look so pretty. I take steps forward, a bit shy but totally excited.

I can see girls or players everywhere. I hold my phone into the air. Somehow a camera turned on and if I hold my phone for 5 seconds on another person it shows me information, like the username or the playing time but I can see also titles. So here must be a rank system too. It's definitely in every game mostly. I feel a bit lost now, I'm new and my friend list is zero I haven't snapped per data with another player my digital Priticket.
I start to explore the world at some points I also saw some boys. This game is maybe a lot different than to the Anime itself.
One of them catches my eye, he has white hair and is sitting bored on a stone. He looks so serious. I hold my phone at him. It shows me that his name is RayvenStar.
Suddenly he stares to me, I feel how my face has gone red.
"Hey you, you newbie, what are you staring at me like this, do. your own business." He shout to me.
What is with that guy and why is he sitting around in the world which is actually mainly for us girls?
"I'm sorry." I say and walk away.
I won't come so far in this game without more information, I decide to leave the game for the first. But how am I doing that? I searched in the game gor the settings and finally found a description how to leave the world and the game.
I followed it and managed to get out. I found myself back in my room on my bed. I'm looking confused on my phone it's still normal and the App has closed. Then a shock overcomes me, it's already 10pm I must have been there for 3 hours. The time was running so fast and tomorrow begins the school again. I go fast to sleep and hope that I hadn't still forgotten any homework.

The next day was coming and I'm running late again. I jumped down the stairs into the kitchen where my older brother Mike was already eating.
"Good Morning." I say.
My brother ignores me, he seems to be tired too. But my mother gives me a cheerful god morning just what I need for the hard school day.
After 7 Minutes somebody knocked at our door. It's my friend Sahra which I got to school with every morning.

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