Brendaniel x Reader (serious)

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(yes I'm gonna try hard this time, also this isn't smut.)

You were sitting at home, alone, watching YouTube on your laptop.
You were watching the best youtuber in the world: Brendaniel.
You snickered as he began ranting about how authors like comparing penises to swords, when they're more like clubs rather than swords, are they not?
Anyways- You loved Brendaniel...his voice was so deep, it made you shudder with every syllable he spoke, his laugh was charming and his looks weren't that bad either.
God you wished you could meet him in real life.
It would make your life AMAZING.

Your mom suddenly yelled,  "(insert name here)! Go to the store and get some food! We're almost out of bread and I can't miss this episode of Reba to get it myself!"
You grabbed and closed your laptop.
"Okay mom!" you yelled back at her mumbling "Bitch..." under your breath.

You were in town, you didn't drive because your parents didn't trust you yet but let's not go down that road to pain-anyways-you walked into Walmart and went to the grocery aisles.
You sighed.
They were out of the cheap bread and you had to buy the three dollar bread.
You grabbed the loaf, you had six dollars total, so you could buy yourself something too.
You turned and began walking to the register but was stopped when you bumped into someone.
"Ow, sorry I didn't see you there."
You said, looking up to gaze into the vast beautiful eyes of a tall man with glasses.
It was Brendaniel.
You couldn't believe it, Brendaniel, in the flesh!
You blanked out for a bit, only to be brought back by a hand waving in your face.
"Hello? Human scum of the planet Earth?" his voice made your legs into Jell-O.
You spazed out.
"Okay?" he seemed uncomfortable.
"Sorry, I'm just freaking out." you let out a soft chuckle.
You ran away quickly.
You would never forget that moment...ever.
Brendaniel however wanted to forget it as soon as possible.
He proceeded to put 18 whole gallon bottles of bleach in his shopping basket.
But worth it.
Brendaniel spent about $9,000 that day.

The end

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