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                       Chapter 1

              The sun shone into Milly’s bedroom, glaring straight into her face. Milly groaned and pulled the blankets over face. Please, she begged internally, I don’t want to wake up. Finally building up enough courage she peeked her head out from under the covers and glanced warily at the clock from the corner of her eye. The red numbers 11:45 blinked angrily at her from her clock. Milly let out an exasperated puff of air from her mouth and threw back her blankets deciding it was time to get out of bed. She tip toed down the hallway not wanting to wake her father. In the large kitchen Milly poured herself some Fruity Pebbles and went into the living room.

              Milly stirred her cereal until it was nice and soft then scooped a spoonful into her mouth. She flipped on the T.V. and changed the channel from SpongeBob to the news. “Michael Ashforde a famous world boxing champion is currently in hiding. Earlier this month steroids were found in Mr. Ashforde’s boxer locker. He will be going to trial in two months. It was also rumored that Mr. Ashforde was having an affair with senator Coxx.” A blond female reporter went on with the story and her words ringed in Milly’s mind. No matter how many times she saw the tabloids or turned on the news to the same reoccurring story she would never be able to get used to it. That was her father. Milly remembered the simpler times. When they lived in a small house years ago on the opposite side of town after her mother left them. That was when her father tried his very best in training and pushed himself to the very edge. It was also when Milly got into the most trouble.

          It was a very dark endless period in both of their lives. Her father had owned a small boxing club that was going bankrupt. He trained there every day so that someday soon he could have his dream realized of being a world renowned boxing champion. He was struggling greatly and was falling into a great depression and soon after began drinking. Milly on the other hand would sneak out at all hours of the night; which wasn’t too hard considering her father was either completely hammered or was at his boxing club. Milly let all the pent out anger she felt onto thugs she saw that were up to no good. She was constantly getting into fights and was beginning to earn herself a pretty nasty reputation. She became known as the Ice Princess from all around for beating up thugs and being extremely fearsome when fighting. Things began to escalate so badly that soon enough everyone in the town began to fear her. No one would talk to her at school either. It was the most horrible thing that Milly had to ever go through.

          She would say her mother dropping her and her father and making a run for it was the worst thing that had ever happened to her, but that was when she was two and she barely had any memories of her mother. Then her father finally set himself straight and began training five times harder. He didn’t just want to get his own life on track though; he saw the turmoil his daughter was in and eventually had a talk with her. They pulled themselves out of the darkness together and made a good name for themselves. Her father became a much respected boxer and won the world championship three times running. Milly started high school and gained two friends. Three years later a bit of her past still followed her but not as bad as it used to be in middle school. They moved across town into the richer nicer part and bought a small mansion. They lived happily and peacefully in their new lives as if they had always lived that way. That is until this fiasco happened. Summer was drawing its end and Milly for once in a few years was dreading going back to school. She knew her father was innocent of taking steroids because he would never use such a dirty method to achieve his dream and try to stay at the top. In fact he had always stressed since Milly could remember that he hated and looked down on people who used those sorts of dirty unfair tricks.

          Not to mention all of the paparazzi that plagued her no matter where she went. They were outside her house, at school, where she went grocery shopping. In fact they were getting a bit unruly and out of hand as of late. Just last week one man had shoved a camera into her face and tried to pin her against a car so he could get a picture of her. So she kneed him in a man’s most precious part and twisted his arm to get away. The man had made her so angry that had made her want to beat the man to a pulp but she knew if she did it would just end up making more trouble for her and her father later on. Footsteps echoed through the house and Milly made a dive for the remote almost spilling her Fruity Pebbles everywhere. She had just turned off the T.V. when her father walked into the living room. 

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