Niall Horan dirty rough imagine

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Niall had been on tour with the boys for 9 months, and even though you got to see him when he was touring in Europe, once he left for america, that was it. You missed him so much, and not just all the lovey dovey rubbish. You missed his touch. Oh god how you missed the physical stuff. You had been alone for so long and self pleasure was nothing compared to having it with your Irish bed-god.

Only 2 weeks left. But the fact that the deadline drew near, made you want him even more. Everyday was just 12 hours of watching the clock at work and staying up at night because you couldn't sleep without Niall next to you.

As you turned off your alarm that you'd been staring at for hours, you clambered out of bed and forced yourself to get ready for work. Breakfast had become a thing of the past as you sorted out your hair and did your makeup. You felt like crying everytime you looked in the mirror; you just didn't feel beautiful without Niall there. 'Only 13 days left' you mumbled to yourself as you walked out your massive house that felt even bigger without Niall and his mess.

Work dragged on and you couldn't wait for another day to be over. As you pulled in to your drive you stepped of the car and slowly but surely walked towards your front door, not wanting to go in and spend yet another evening alone in that huge house. As you opened the door, you felt two warm hands cover your eyes "Guess who?" That perfect Irish voice rang through your ears "NIALL!" you yelled hugging him and clinging on for dear life. He went to say something but before he could speak a word you placed your lips on his. The kiss was a loving one, but it still had a a hint of passion in it. "Someone's missed me!" he winked. "You have no idea.." you whispered seductively into his ear before placing your lips on his again. This time it was more heated and you felt him pull on your thighs, begging you to jump. You did as you were asked and jumped, he carried you up to your room without breaking the kiss once. He placed lightly on your bed and leaned in and whispered "Princess I've missed you so much, you have no idea what i'm going to do to you..." you moaned as he placed soft, warm kisses all down your neck. He slowly pulled off your shirt as he kissed every single speck of your skin, your moans gradually got louder as he smirked into your skin. You wanted him now and forcefully pushed him over so you were on top. You ripped off his shirt and kissed his neck, knowing exactly where to kiss him. You avoided that spot and just nibbled on his ear, earing mumbles of your name, you smirked and went to the spot you knew he loved. His mumbles turned into moans and you knew what was next. You felt his hands carress your upper body as he slowly but surely found his way to your bra strap and took it off. He strated to play with your boobs, massaging them one at a time before he kissed your nipple. Then he started to suck on it.. God that felt good. Moans were comingout of yourlips now as you reached down and pushed off his tracksuits. As you did this, you felt the bulge in his pants grow. This made you moan even louder, he smirked against your nipple as he was now on the other one. He stopped and you moaned at the cold on your breasts. He slowly slipped of your skirt and flipped you over so you were under him again. His fingers played at the hem of your pants, you were dripping from the moment you heard his voice. He traced his fingers over your pussy before laughing at how wet you were "Who made you this wet babe?" You moaned in respeonse. He dipped his head down and he dragged your pants down your legs with his teeth, you needed him so bad. You felt yourself almost dripping down your legs and his warm breath tickled your wet pussy. His blonde hair tickled your thigh as you reached down and started to rub yourself, he grabbed your had and went "That's my job now Princess" He started to rub your instead. His name was muffled into loud moans as he slowly licked between your folds as your moans got louder. "N..n..nn...niall" he smirked sending long vibration all through your body and up your spine. His head stopped and he looked you dead in the eye and whispered "Babe... second draw to the left, blindfold, take it out and pit it on.. now" the now was almost a growl as you did what he'd asked you.. you'd never done anything like this.. I guess all this time away was a good thing! As you tied the blindfold around your head, you were pulled into darkness, as your sense of sight was gone, all of your others became alot stronger. Everytime he touched you it felt sharper, everytime he smirked, it was louder.. everything was just more fun ;) His lips went back to where they were before as you bucked your hips towards him, he smirked again causing you to buck even further forward. Before you could react he pushed his tongue inside you, you reached down to grad his hair but you couldn't see anything so that became a task. Your moans became so loud as you felt a know that you hadn't felt like this occur in your lower stomach. "Niall.. oh godddd...." You moaned as the hand that hadn't found his hair was tugging on what you assumed was the bed sheets. "mmmmm..." he hummed and that was it for you. Your back arched as you managed to get out  "Nialllll.. i'm gunna.." and with that you released all over his face. He smirked and pulled out, licking up all the mess you had made, but you didn't want that, you wanted to snog his face off, but you couldn't see anything?! "Niall.. Let me Kiss You.." his head moved it's way up your body, sending a spark of surprise with every place he touched. His lips were finally placed on yours and you could taste yourself. You reached down but you couldn't see anything, you finally found what you were searching for, you toyed with the hem of his boxers before he guided your hands in taking them off, all this time you were in a deep make out session. All your senses were on full alert and you could hear his moans like thunder. God you wanted him so bad, but you had to give him something back, he'd been away for ages, he'd probably got bored of hand jobs from himself and you wanted to suck him so bad. "What next Princess?!" He mumbled into your neck "I wanna.. pay you back.. let me.. let me suck you..but i can't see anything so.." He quickly but cautiously flipped you over so you were on top again. You felt your way down his body until your hands were finally grasping something hard, you smirked and heard him moan. You tried as hard as you could to position your mouth at his entrance, and you finally got it right.. "Babe pleasee..." you realized this had probably been killing him, and licked the head, tasting the pre-cum. Moans tumbled from his lips as you licked the whole of his shaft. You grabbed his balls and pushed your head onto him. The moans became curses and your name and you smirked, which made him twitch in your mouth. God you missed this. "Y/NNNNN..!" Niall screamed before releasing in your mouth, you knew he loved it when you swallowed, so you did. Before you could do anything else, he dragged the blindfold off and flipped you over violently. "You're gunna pay for teasing me like that.." and all your senses will still on full alert and so were your eyes and everything was on full mode, it was so weird but so exciting at the same time! You were thinking all this and without any warning he thrust hard into you, you screamed and grabbed onto his back. "NIALL!" You screamed as he thrust into you again and again. It felt so good... Oh god... moans were falling form your lips like a waterfall. "Ughhh..babeee.." Niall growled into your neck. You wrapped your legs aorund him as he continued to thrust into you, however this time he hit your spot, "AHHHHH GODDD NIALLL!!" you screamed as he was hitting it with every thrust now. As the knot built in your stomach you whispered "NIall.. baby... i'm gunna cum so hard in a second, i promise." With this, your walls tightened around his large irish treasures and you screamed his name as you came all over him. This caused him to pull out of you with extreme force, leaving that part of your body cold, and a little sore. "Uh?" you mumbled... "Ride me legs and arms kill.." you wanted to ride him so bad and quickly obeyed as you climbed onto him and slid yourself onto him. " my name baby.." he growled between moans... it wasn't long before you were screaming so loud you probably woke the whole neighbourhood! He came inside of you and that made you scream even louder. As you rode out his orgasm, you pulled off him and rolled onto the bed beside you.

"Sill want more?" he whispered in your ear as his fingers start rubbing you again. "mhhmmmm.." you moan as he flips you on your back so your almost riding his fingers. "Mhhhmm.. yeah.. Nialllll.." you groaned. While this was happening, you felt a hand come down on your but cheek. Was Niall spanking you? Oh god... As he did it again you moaned even louder. You were so close when you were riding him that after a few times, you came all over his fingers. As he took them out of you, he placed them near your mouth and you sucked on them willingly.

"Welcome home babe" you smirked as you kissed him on the lips. "It's just good to be back." He replied as he smiled into the kiss. "Round 2 in the shower?" you laughed and ran to turn the shower on.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2015 ⏰

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