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~ Narrator's P.O.V ~

Late evening on July 31st, 1998, Hermione Granger was just leaving the birthday party of one of her closest friends, Harry Potter. She left 12 Grimmauld place to go for a walk before she apparated home for the night. All of the Weasley's and the other members of the Order of the Phoenix protested her walking alone but she ignored their pleas. She was a seasoned veteran of magical war so she believed that she would be perfectly fine if anyone just so happened to attack her. But she was disastrously wrong, for possibly the first time in her eighteen almost nineteen years of life.

As she walked down the darkening streets of London, she didn't realize that something with predatory eyes stalked her every movement. The pale man stalking her had murder in his eyes when he looked at the young witch. Hermione continued walking down the street, occasionally passing the occasional Muggle. She, making a very daft decision, turned down a darkened alleyway so she could apparate home.

A low growl was heard from the entrance of the alleyway, which made Hermione whip out her wand. The pale man with predatory eyes stalked closer to the young witch. Hermione unsuccessfully tried to stun the man slowly approaching her. 

A sadistic grin slowly forms on the man's face as Hermione hears a shuffling sound behind her. She whips around to see another pale man standing inches away from her. She lets out a loud gasp as cold hands grab her neck. A scream rips from her throat seconds later as a sharp pain is felt in her neck as the man's fangs rip through her flesh. 

She starts to squirm under the man's iron grasp as her blood is being quickly drained from her body. The other man sinks his fangs into her arm, causing her to scream even louder. The men withdraw their fangs from her flesh when she's moments from death and they flee the scene of their crime. 

Tears flow down her cheeks and onto the cold ground as the witch laid there, the only thing she could feel was pain. The only thing she knew was that she was going to die and become a Vampire, just like the men who had attacked her. Which is a death sentence in the wizarding world, especially since she had magical abilities.

Her vision started to go in and out when a man in all black started walking down the alleyway, directly towards her. The man muttered something incoherent to the bleeding witch laying on the ground. Before she knew it, Hermione was being picked up bridal style and was apparated away from the alleyway by the man in all black.

And that's when she blacked out. 

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