part 1

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Zachary Bane leaned over the bar table, turning a glass around in his hand as he watched his visiters talk and suck face. He sighed, and sipped at his glass, which contained straight whiskey. "Gonna be a slow night," he murmured to himself.Gracie bearly layed in her bed tired while as she picked her phone and called you. "Please answer" , she said to herself Zachary felt a vibration in his pocket, pulled out his phone, and blinked. He put it to his ear after answering. "Ello?""Hey can you come over wanna hangout or something" she talked on the phone with you.
He looked around. "Uhh.. I'm kinda working right now.."She was biting her nails. " please,  if not can I come over there? "
Zachary sighed. "Be there in twenty.." he hung up the phone, made his friend take his spot, and left after barking orders. He gave her door three knocks, biting his lip. "Wonder what she wants.." he mumbled.She hang up an dressed herself up. She hear a knock on the door "ik coming! " she yelled and open the door.  "Hey! "He smiled softly at her, scratching his head as she greeted him. "Evening."She moved aside so he can come in.  "You wanna drink something? "He laughed as he walked in her house and stretched his arms over his head. "No,no, I've drank enough."She smiled " so wanna watch a movie? ""Ah..sure," he mumbled.She hears you. " okay let's sit down here" she pointed at the couch

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2017 ⏰

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