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I woke up in a dark room.

He was leaning up against me. His body was in front of mine, and I was clearly tied up to the pole that held up the walls.

Wait, what?

"Where are we?" I asked.

"In between two walls," Yami said. "No one can catch you if you're in the walls."

I grumbled. "Is there no end to your Rape of Terror?"

He chuckled. "Funny. No, no, there isn't. The only thing I know is... fuck me, fuck you."

He kissed my cheek. I gagged. Suddenly, I heard a clang of metal, and Yami fell over onto his face. I hear that someone's behind me, and I can tell that they've untied me from the pole.

They hand me something made out of cloth of some kind. "Clothes. Take them, put them on, and follow me out of here."

I gasped. "Matoko?"

"Yes," the Kaiba sister responded. "Now get dressed."


I sigh. "Thanks, Matoko."

"Don't mention it. Now, I can take you wherever you need to be."

I don't hesitate a second. "Take me back to Cairo."

She nods.

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