3 ; wind and whiskey

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richie's throat is stinging as he lifts the shot glass to his lips and tips his head back, letting alcohol course through his system.

he usually doesn't drink that much. usually being used loosely in this sense. he's never really cared about getting shit faced, as long as he's being safe about it.

and tonight is no different, so he decides there's no harm in letting loose.

after weeks of stress and exhaustion from richie and the rest of his classmates, exams are finally over, and richie's close friend, stanley, decides to throw a party in at his flat—half to celebrate exams ending, and half to celebrate his twentieth birthday next week.

people around richie are chanting for him to take another shot but he puts his hands up and steps back, swaying slightly. he turns to stan, who is standing beside him, his arm draped around the shoulders of a boy richie recognizes as his boyfriend, bill, and a beer bottle in his hand. he looks away from the boy he's laughing with when he notices richie, grinning.

"richie!" stan's voice is loud, as he yells over the deafening music—which is a britney spears song, richie thinks. richid flinches at all the noise. "what's up, dude?"

"uh, i'm just letting you know i'll be on the balcony if you need me. music's real loud. need some air." richie pats stan's shoulder once as he makes his way through the crowded flat on sea legs.

he wonders where eddie is.

eddie offered to be the designated driver that night because med students still have another exam to go and he doesn't want to be hungover whilst taking it.

richie stumbles around a little bit, finally reaching the door leading to the small patio. he fumbles with the door before realizing it's a pull and not a push, and he opens it.

someone is already standing out there, leaning against the rail and looking out onto the city.

they turn when richie steps onto the balcony.

their soft brown hair curled lightly around the edges, the warm brown eyes that's amber flakes still glow in the darkness, the pretty craters on the sides of their smile that forms when they see richie.

"hey, what are you doing out here?" eddie asks. "shouldn't you be in there, celebrating?"

richie walks over and leans against the railing just like eddie. richie notices there's a can in his hands, but the label makes him recognize it's just a soda.

richie shrugs. "it's a little too loud in there." he notices his voice is also loud, not being as used to talking in the quiet. he lowers it when he adds, "besides, i'd rather spend time with you anyway."

richie swears eddie blushes, but he can't be sure because it's a bit windy outside.

richie takes in eddie' attire. he looks really nice tonight. He's wearing a pair of jeans, with sneakers, a light blue t-shirt and a denim jacket. eddie's nails look freshly painted with a new coat of black nail polish and richie can see a light shimmer dancing across his cheekbones that makes them stand out.

"you look really pretty," richie says before he can stop himself, his words slurring very slightly. he's looking at eddie with so much attention and care.

eddid opens his mouth, slightly taken aback by richie's forwardness. "t-thanks," he stutters. he scratches the back of his neck. "you don't look too bad yourself."

"you know, eddie," richie begins, holding out the last letter of his best friend's name. "i think you always look pretty. even when you think you don't. you do."

eddie is blushing a dark shade of pink.

in richie's drunken haze, he won't remember hearing eddie mumbling, "i think you always do, too. truly."

richie takes eddie's hand clumsily, making the younger boy thoroughly confused, because richie and him are only friends and they may cuddle sometimes but they aren't this kind of affectionate.

"eddie, i really really want to tell you something. promise you won't run away though, okay?"

eddie nods. he looks a little nervous, but so is richie.

"i'm in–"

the balcony door swings open and stanley is standing there, grinning goofily like he always is.

"hey r-woah, am i interrupting something?"

eddie's cheeks are once again on fire and he quickly removes his hands from richie's. he scratches the back of his neck as richie glares at stan.

"uh, no, nothing," eddie stutters. "if you'll excuse me, i'm going to go get another soda."

eddie quickly slides past stan and back into the flat.

richie sighs. he knows that he probably won't remember this tomorrow morning, but eddie will.


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