part razor

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There once was a girl and she was named remy.

She used to be a fetus but now she is a fetus.

Everyone has broken her, just her in general. No more innocent no no.

Remy was SuPeR nice and mean.

She was walking to school when she found a coconut fall from a pine tree.

"Hello remy" the coconut said.

Remy wasn't scared for she knew her glasses werent glasses and  plastics instead.

"Its not your hope or angel! Its jungkook!" The little cocnut said.

"Jimin fucking better be here too or ima kill myself" a boy named Kat said.

"Sex education on the wayyy!" An old owl h o o ted.

The wise old owl taught everyone many things that day.

"Children, I am your father." The owl said, until flying into space and becoming a man panty.



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