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"That's my daddy!" A tall giant-like creature said, pointing up at the newly created star.

"Who the hell are you?" Kat asked.

"I am alyssa, dumbass." The tall creature said.

"Are you a boy?" Remy, patting the coconut's head.

"Yes, and I'm your boy." Alyssa said, licking her pinky and pointer finger and then running them through her brows, while leaning against a desk that moved and made her slip onto the floor.

Everybody ignored her because nobody cared.

"LOOK ITS MY FAMILY!" juancock said, wsving his arms up in the air as seagulls flew by.

"But we're inside..." the star up above said.

"But you're inside..." remy said.

"Ur such a party pooper remy no one likes you" a mysterious voice said.

"Ew its kim" remy said, disgusted.

"Ew its remy" kim said.

And so, they pulled out their genji ass swords and got ready for war.



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