MuRdOC vs BOb RoSs - ThE FiNaL BAtTLe

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MuRdOC SaT at the bar. It was empty save for him . Even THE owner had already LEFT HIM alone. Just MuRdOC AND the WISKEY IN his glass. MuRdOC's friends had tried to STOP him FROM GOING, BUT after that.... that event... MuRdOC could no longer stay. Thinking ABOUT IT made his eyes well up and TO PREVENT BURSTING out IN crying (as MuRdOC really, deeply, wanted to) he lifted THE wiskey and GULPED it DOWN. THE BURNING liquid warmed his throat AND heart. It was the only comfort MuRdOC still had in this world

MuRdOC tried to take his mind of THE PrEsENT. To slip into the PAST rather then WALLOW in sorrow...

...but it didn't WORK. MuRdOC was still JUsT at a bar. Keeping the whisky COMPANY.

SUDDENLY the door opened behind him. FOOTSTEPS. Then a FIGURE sat down NEXT to him AND TOOK the BOTTLE "Long TIME," spoke and he poored himself A glass as well Before MuRdOC REALISED IT, HIS rage took over and he lunched at . He ended WITH punching in THE face.

"I deserved that," said and took a gulp from his whiskey.

"Go away," MuRdOC said.

"Not BEFORE you hear MY offer," said.

"I don't want TO HEAR about it." Murdoc spoke. He really didn't want ANYTHING to do with , not AFTER... that. "I DON'T want ANYTHING to DO WITH you... not AFTER... that."

"Dammit, that wasn't your fault," , "IT was none of our fault. "Yes it was, it WAS my fault. I could have STOPPED it."MuRdOC SAID, "I SHOULD HAVE STOPPED IT FROM HAPPENING."

"Calm down, Murdoc," , "It WASN'T YOUR FAULT... that WASN'T YOUR fault."

But no matter WHAT said, MuRdOC STILL FELT THAT THAT was his fault...

"I need you," said . "JUST ONE MORE TIME. Just one more job and I'll leave you ALONE. Oh LONELYNESS, that WOULD be nice. No one around. No one to REMIND MuRdOC OF...THAT.

"ONE more job," MuRdOC muttered. "Alright. One more job it IS."

AND with THAT, he gulped down the REMAINING whiskey. TIME for action!

MG! We are almost there", Murdoc SAID after traveling for ages. "HoLy ShiT, I didnt THINK we had journed this far!" They sat down FOR a rest BREAK and to plot THEIR trajectory INTO the evil ones HQ base.

"WE must FIND the . "I forgot ALL about that", SAID MuRdOC, who was generaly CONSIDERED a moron, SO we ALL laugh at them FOR FORGETTING. HAHA! Funny hu? "HAHA, you REMEMBER now"



"YES" "Good"

What happened next WAS soo COOL you will like it A lot, basicaly, it WENT like THIS: ONLY it was even cooler because i didnt have TO write it! When it was IN my head THE WORDS didnt GET IN the way. btw, EXCUSE me if I skip the words occasionaly, its to save ME TIME. OK, after THEY finnished THE boxers they went to the base WHERE the final battle STARTED when they got THERE. Dont WORRY! The bad guy dies!

SO they defeated Bob Ross and EVERYONE was satisfied!

Bob ROSS: what do YOU MEAN, it's NOT over yet?! I'm invincible!

MuRdOC: NO No, BACK into your casket!

Bob Ross: *sexually growls* You will NEVER get ME in MY box. I am too large and too SEXY 

Author: Ohh no, it looks LIKE THE CHARACTERS still want A story 

Murdoc: of course we do! Or cake. I love cake Bob Ross: Well I'm gonna steal YOUR cake 

MuRdOC: Noooo! Whats going TO be MY dinner now! 

Bob Ross: MHUAHAHAHA, LIFE isn't WORHT living without caaaaaaaaake, so just die already will you? 

MuRdOC: OK, Ur right, LIFE isn't worth living without the awesomeness of cake. Farewell bitter world of cakelessness!

2 fukin D: chotto mate-ah!

Bob Ross: huh ;^_^;

NUUUUDLE: domo desu-ka @_@ Murdoc: Caaaaaake, NEED cake. Like brains, BUT cake!

2 fukin D: well, I want you, HOW ABOUT that?

2 FUKIN D winked at Murdoc, but wasn't into that sort of SHIT BUT NUUUUDLE was all hot 'n that, Murdoc thought. So

Left the fanfic and looked for a nice bed to crawl into together and MAYBE more

AUTHOR: WELL, looks like they'll be busy for a little while. Cake? 

Bob Ross: NOOO the cake is A lie. GIMME IT!

THE end

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