Just Something

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  I need to share something with you all.
I'm sorry it's gonna be a bit long, but please , take some time to read it .
I just wanted to advise you.
Never trust anybody. Like , really.
Trust them if you want, but never completely.
You never know someone's true intentions, and that is so scary.
Don't ever believe what they say before seeing if their actions match with what they're saying.
Please, don't get attached too fast, don't open up to people too fast.
You really never know what could happen.
Take your time to know the people you are meeting.
Don't think that if they're nice with you, it means that they like you.
People always will get bored.
Keep looking for that one friend , that true friend that will stay forever.
That friend won't be perfect.
But will be perfect in your eyes.
Choose someone that will be ready to sacrifice time and anything possible to make YOU feel better.
Choose someone who will not make you walk alone, but who will walk with you on the same road.
Oh, yeah, you've been disappointed so many times by temporary friends, by people you thought considered you as special.
You can't imagine how fast they can replace you.
So take your time, and choose wisely.
I don't mean don't talk to anybody...but
Don't consider everyone nice as a friend.  

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