Seven x MC ~ Interrupted with Cat Costumes

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"Look, I'm working right now, MC. You can't just come in because everyone else is gone."

"Jihyun's doing a shoot, Yoosung's at school, Jumin and Jaehee are at work, Zen's at an audition and Saeran's sleeping! You're my only hope!"

"Only hope or last choice?" Saeyoung responded bitterly. He was slammed with work and Vanderwood was harrassing him. And now you were making him feel bad.

"Saeyoung~ You're being so harsh with me~" You turned up the charm. You wanted him and you wanted him now. "It makes me think I should call you master~"

This made his dick twitch just slightly, but he shook off the feeling.

"I'm sure Jumin loves when you call him that."

"Or maybe you're just my big, mean Oppa~" You wrapped your arms around him and bit down suddenly on the crook of his neck.

"Aughh" Saeyoung let out a moan, but continued typing on his computer. "I... am sure you call Yoosung those type of names. He's always the youngest."

He must be feeling immature, you thought to yourself. I can fix that!

Ducking down, you crawled beneath his desk.

"Hey! Get out of there! You might knock a port and turn off something crucial!" Saeyoung scolded you.

Suddenly however, your head popped up between his knees. With cat ears on.

"Mew! Play with me Sevvy!" You nuzzled his crotch through his skinny black jeans.

"Aw fuck. I can't resist it. Let's dress up!" The thought immediately excited Saeyoung. He ran over to his chest of costumes and dug out a pair of red cat ears for himself along with a matching tail on an elastic belt. Briefly looking back at you, he dug out a tail and a pair of paws for you.

This is going to be awesome. He thought to himself as he stripped down and redressed in his cat gear.

You crawled over to him on your hands and knees and retrieved the rest of your costume.

"Hmm..." You sniffed the air, "I think I smell a horny tom cat in my territory." You strutted away, still on all fours, looking back at him seductively. "I hope he comes for me, because I think I must be in heat~" You purred.

"Meee-ow! And what makes this little kitty think she deserves the attention of a sexy tom cat like myself?"

"Nothing in particular... But I'm so... SO... horny..." You rolled onto your stomach and grabbed your tail. Gently, you began rubbing it against your already moist folds. Mewling, you added in a finger, here or there, and soon Saeyoung noticed his own hand had drifted lower.

"Are you hungry, Saeyoung? I've got something that might remind you of fish, you naughty tom!"

"Yes, please!" He dove towards you, moving your hands out of the way.

Excitedly and sloppily he began licking and massaging your nether regions. His tongue darted in and out of your opening while his fingers playfully teased your button.

"Sa-Sae-Saeyoung! Oh!" You moaned out loud.

He purred against your wet folds, vibrating his mouth against you and taking you over the edge. As he licked up the aftermath, he stood up tall and lifted you up.

"Assume the kitty position, MC" He commanded as he winked.

Returning to all fours and raising your butt high into the air, Saeyoung gave it a hard spank and jumped onto the bed.

"Take me right meow, Sevvy!" You demanded.

"Will do, my pretty kitty!" And with that, Saeyoung plunged into you. As he thrusted wildly, you couldn't help but let out an array of moans, mewls and mutterings.

"Always worth it... it's always worth it." Saeyoung muttered to himself.

Suddenly however, the door swung open.

"Seven, I hope you've progressed--" Vanderwood stood there speechless, unable to take his eyes off of the couple in front of me.

"Either get out, or let me finish without hearing your voice." Saeyoung grunted out.

Too astonished to leave, Vanderwood simply watched as his agent had sex right before his very eyes... in full cat costume.

"Do you like this, kitty? You like people watching you fuck?" Saeyoung asked.

"Y-yes!" You responded as your climax came.

"Me... fucking... too!" He cried out as he reached orgasm from your tight, clenching walls.

Pulling out and collapsing next to you, he quickly pulled you close, attempting to preserve what modesty you had next.

"What do you need, Vanderwood?" Saeyoung asked impaitently.

"N-nothing that can't wait..." he replied quickly as he came to his senses and finally left the room.

"Did you really like that, kitten?" Saeyoung nuzzled you.

"Yes, it was exactly what I needed. I can let you get back to work though." You leaned over and kissed him, before rolling off the bed, removing your costume and putting your clothes back on.

"Maybe... we could do this again, with some of the other guys." He suggested, warily.

"Maybe we can, Saeyoung." You giggled as you closed his door behind you.

" You giggled as you closed his door behind you

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