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In the middle of the Pacific ocean just south-west of Canada, on a dark cold night, there was an old fisherman named Sam. His small, rusty boat was tiny and it was very dangerous to be on because it could collapse at any moment. However, the water was still and had no sign of any kind of living being in the water. which was strange because this part of the ocean is usually teeming with life, but this time it just looked dead. no matter how much bait Sam used there was nothing, it was like all the fish just fled away from something, so he just sat there, waited and waited for hours on end, starving for just a single fish, he eventually decided to head home, attempting to pull up his anchor, he couldn't, it was caught on something, so he gave it a little tug and he felt something move off of it, so he pulled it up.

Suddenly, when the anchor was about halfway up, something huge, pulled it back down, tearing the anchor's winch clean off the boat, immediately, Sam started the engine and began to make a run for his life.

at that moment a colossal wave as big as a tsunami, emerged from the ocean waters and began to crush the small ship, following the massive wave, was a tailfin as big as a tower, came crashing down onto the ocean causing the boat to be shoved away further from land, the creature which caused this began to rise from the ocean, it had the shape of a great white shark, but its sheer size would beat the blue whale tenfold, its razor sharp teeth, could pierce anything.

Sam's boat was now in shambles and he was stuck on a small piece of splintered wood which he used as a raft, when the great beast surfaced he was rendered helpless, all he could do was sit there in awe of its pure brute strength, as he watched his own death slowly swim towards him...   

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