I'm Google's #1 User

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“absolutely necessary or important”

That’s what Google says my last name means

Sadly, my family doesn’t stand true to that definition

I have over 100 cousins-

Since my uncles are all pathetic men who cheat

They disgrace my name

I feel ashamed



What the hell does that mean?

But I don’t care-

for my Grandmother chose it

And for that I feel thankful


“a sequence of single notes that is musically satisfying”

No wonder my father chose that name

He loves music

I love music

It’s a good name

Though it doesn’t fit me entirely

Yet I feel satisfied


“the daughter of Zeus…”

Google just went on to give me a summary of the Trojan War now

But I know it means “light” in greek

I did not get my name because of Helen Keller

I actually got it because of Helen Mirren

Since my mom loves her feminist acting

She named me after her

That makes me feel strong

But deep down inside I feel as if I won’t live up to my name

Helen the important?

She’s hardly important.

Helen the illuminated?

I still don’t know what that means

Helen the melody?

I rarely show my talents

Helen the strong?

Let’s just stay

I’m Helen Melody-Lucinda Vital

The girl that uses Google for everything and that’s that.

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