One night at Calum's....

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The hot summer sun was slowly making its progression down behind the Los Angeles hillside as a soft, orange hue filled the evening sky. There was now finally a sense of relief from the heaviness of the afternoon heat that day as the small collection of family and friends had finished clearing up from dinner. The bustle and activity finally settled down from the gathering to celebrate the upcoming episode of Austin and Ally, which was premiering that night. However, being that it was a Sunday night, and thus a work night, the group had dispersed rather quickly after the pie was served and consumed. All, that is, with the exception of Jessica, who planned to stay late and watch the full episode with Calum. 

After saying the last goodbyes, Calum retreated to the living room to sit on the couch and flip on the TV, turning to the Disney Channel. He slunk back and took a few sips of his water bottle, then set it down, while waiting for the episode to start. After clearing off the last few dishes from the counter top and setting the dishwasher to run, Jessica joined him on the couch. She popped down next to him, casually tossed her legs across his lap and reclined back comfortably against the couch armrest.

The two close friends sat together in silence as teaser previews of the episode began to infiltrate the channel during commercial breaks of the prior show. Calum chewed on his finger while he watched and waited. Although he was always confident in his work, there was the tiniest of anticipation when it was a premiere night. She watched him as he starred at the TV intently. His eyes squinted slightly in concentration as he focused on watching. 

Seeing his expression caused her to nudge him gently. “Hey...” she broke the silence. His hand fell to his lap as he looked over at her. She touched his arm and gave a little squeeze, being sure to make eye contact. “It’s gonna be fine.”

His shoulders fell as he relaxed a bit. He reached up and put his hand on her leg just below her knee. “Thanks for sticking around, Jess. I hate watching these things alone. It just feels....weird.” he chuckled a bit and ran his hand down her leg. As distracted as he was by the premiere, he still couldn’t help by notice how soft and smooth her skin was. Her short, cut off jeans accentuated her toned legs all the way down to the tips where her toenails were perfectly painted a girly bright pink. It was evident by the subtle glow in her skin that she had been spending more time in the sun than usual. 

He quickly moved his hand away when he suddenly realized that he was starring. He looked back to the TV and tried to focus but as the realization of how close she was overwhelmed him, he found it very difficult to do so. 

Feeling him adjust uncomfortably, her brows furrowed slightly as she gave a sideways glance. 

“You ok?” 

He cleared his throat, and looked at her but was unable to make eye contact for more than a quick moment, “Yeah, it’s, I...the show and stuff.”

Even though it didn’t seem like he was telling the whole truth, she let it go, chalking it up to whatever nervousness he was currently experiencing. 

He brought his hand to his mouth and held it there delicately while he pretended to watch. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed that she very gently licked her lips and began to mindlessly chew on her bottom lip ever so slightly as she starred across the room. He glanced back and forth a few times as he tried to not stare at her as she played with her mouth. 

Her floral tank top exposed her shoulders and décolletage and he quickly noticed that the bronze hue on her skin continued all the way up the length of her body. He suddenly found himself wanting to touch her more to feel that soft skin once more. To even kiss it. But truthfully, they were friends and reality hit him in the face when he realized that nothing like that could ever transpire. Even if she did have lips that were pink and looked like they were so soft to the touch. He wondered how he didn’t notice that ever before. 

Premiere Night [A Calum Worthy Imagine]Where stories live. Discover now