*distant turkey noises*

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Happy Thanksgiving guys!

Me: *goes to fridge* *opens door and browses through some of the pre-made food* *panics* "WHERE'D THE TURKEY GO???"

Anna: "Hey, don't look at me. I've been too busy to eat anything all day." *goes back to watching Game of Thrones*

Paisley: *stops cuddling a kitten and Snapping it's adorable face long enough to look up* "What happened?"

Me: *narrows eyes* "Did you take the turkey?"

Paisley: *laughs* "Where would I hide it?"

Anna: *never taking her eyes from the t.v.* "Your gut, maybe?"

Paisley: *looks down at super skinny sundress* "Oh, no, I would never. I wouldn't be able to fit in this cute dress any more."

Me: "Seems legit." *turns to Jack and opens mouth to speak but before any words are said. . .*

Jack: *slowly turns head*

Jack: *stares*

Jack: *looks back at phone*

Me: *turns to Elijiah* "Was it you?"

Elijiah: *looks up from massive book on nanotechnology* "Huh?"

Me: *turns to Elizabeth*

Me: *stares*

Elizabeth: *stares*

Me: *stares harder*

Elizabeth: *narrows eyes*

Me: *squints and lifts eyebrow*

Elizabeth: "It was Alex."

Alex from the other room: "What?" *appears in the doorway*

Me: "Did you take the turkey?"

Alex: *stares*

Me: *lifts accusing eyebrow*


"I'm hurt that you would accuse me of such a thing

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"I'm hurt that you would accuse me of such a thing. I am a pure and innocent soul who would never take something without asking first. There are children in Africa starving to death every single day. Do you really think I am such a heartless person to take a whole turkey for myself and not share it with others? It's Thanksgiving after all. It's the gift of merriment and sharing accompanied with the spirit of the holiday that we are giving thanks for, and the opportunity we have to come together as friends and family to share great feasts as one. So, no. I would never do such a terrible and selfish thing."

Everyone: *stares*

Anna: *falls on floor*

Alex: "He dies in two episodes."

Anna: *screeches*

Paisley: *screeches*

Elizabeth: *gasps horrified*

Elijiah: *drops book*

Jack: "You motherf*cker."

Also, what is with Wattpad being blue now? I miss the orange.

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