how do i do this

72 3 14

Ok so here goes..
I was tagged by -breakingapart- to do the shipping tag!
Ok so 3 ships I love/ will fight you about/ etc.
~AMYPLIER (They're goals)
~MARVIN AND WHIZZER (idk if they have a ship name I haven't seen one so let meh know please)
I have so so many more

3 ships that I hate/ can go burn / etc.
~Marvin and Trina (is that even a thing? Hope not)
~Septiplier (no, just no)
~Pinecest (Ok so off topic, do people still watch Gravity Falls a lot of is that just me?)

3 ships that are meh/ okay/ etc.
~JD and Veronica (idk man)
~Heather Chandler and Heather Duke
~Heather Chandler and Heather McNamara
Oh they're all Heathers whoops

6 people I tag (freaking amazing writers)

Wow ok so this is my first book (kind of) and I'm building up confidence (very slowly) to write a story. Yay? So yeah. Feel free to talk to me, friends are good! Sorry, ok so bye and thank you

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